Crossover to dreams

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First of all this is a crossover of "it was all a dream series" by cindyvonotaku in my following list.  [also if your reading this I posted it without asking and i'm sorry]

This is NON-CANNON to her timeline

I highly reccomend to Go check out their story and I will be referring our six and mono with a (our) or as he thin man and lady

 Cindy's characters will just be labeled six mono seven and TT for twenty-three. 

this story will take place in the real world and their dream world I will make you aware when it shifts. In between the two stories "k" "great"

"I hope you got that cause this story starting."

(our)Six woke up to (our)mono poking her face multiple times whining "six..... wake up...... I wanna try the thing........"

(Our) Six said "ok, ok mono fine.... I will go I got enough energy" 

They both went to the nearest T.V and started counting down to attempt the universal travel. 

(Our) six, and mono started counting down together " 3..... 2....... 1....... GO!

They both went through the Screen and after a while emerged back out into an alley?

It seemed to be night-time and they were DEFINITELY not in pale city (Our) six said "mono look"as walked out to see a beautiful city with lights as if the tower never existed to them. (Our) Mono acknowledged this and said "Oh my god...." he started shedding a tear "it's beautiful-" he got interrupted when he was pushed back in the alley by (our) six and she used sign language to say "the people here are normal too" (our) mono responded the same way in sign language "that's a problem how?" 

she responded "look at me and you you are a tall-as hell man, who glitches by the way. And i'm a tall lady with dark magic. We are the opposite of normal mono..." a frown setting down on her face. "Hey it's fine" he said whispering "then we only stroll around at night for a week then we go back deal?" 

"deal" said (our) six making a pinky promise. 

The squad's POV A.k.a  Cindy's main cast 

she was? In the sky? No, she was looking as if she came to look out the window to see the thin man and lady exiting the T.V in what seemed to be their world. "No that can't be possible right?" she thought until the thin man's head did a teacher and turned around one hundred eighty degrees and scared six so badly she woke up. Just in time for school.

"Jesus" she said "that would scare the shit out of me." she got dressed got her things and prepared for the first day of summer break. After telling her parents she would hang at seven's place after tonight, she left the house.

She ended up meeting with Seven, mono, and twenty three (her cousin in this timeline)

"Sup mono, seven, and twenty three." "Sup six" they said simultaneously 

"So lovebirds" TT said "what are we all going to do this break?" "I dunno" replied seven i guess what we usually do go to the beach, play games, and relax." "Actually I wanted to say something." said (cindy's) six "what's up?" asked mono "you guys think it's possible for the lady, and thin man to be... well, HERE?" 

They all stared at six shocked at the idea and all thought "they defeated each of them in their realm right?" Seven deciding to break the silence, and asked "what makes you think that?" 

"Well..." she said "I had a dream where I saw them come out of a T.V and they looked... confused? I dunno, it's just they had a way last time what's to say they can't come back?" 

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