The mind can be deeper than the sea

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Art not mine {sorry I didn't ask if the owner see's this

Deep Down in the in the ocean a Lady in a Yellow Kimono and Mask deep down in the ocean was resting in a dark deep slumber dreaming of a dark place a... Hospital? 

She was hanging upside down by a rope and suddenly BAM!  The door swung open and out came a paper bag child with a large weapon and he was dragging it in the direction of the porcelain children.

He smashed their heads in, and then the wood that kept her hanging up. She fell on the back of her head and started crying from pain. "Ow......." she said while sobbing. "Hey, hey are you alright?" said the boy "Y-yeah" said the small raincoat girl still sobbing "Hey..." said the boy also silently crying "I know it's hard but we are almost at the tower. Once we get out of this place we can maybe finally have normal lives". 

"Promise?" The girl said

"Promise" The boy replied

The lady awoke with a jump, and started sweating. 

She knew when that moment occurred 

And she knew as well she broke her own promise

And she broke her friend that intended as hell to keep it


She softly cried his name knowing that she would never see him again, that she would never be able to tell him "thank you for what you have done for me."

She would never get to tell him "I'm sorry."

She then got up and realized she had an establishment to run and needed to check on her employees. 

She used her lately acquired powers to quickly teleport to the kitchen to see if chef's one and two were quickly prepping the meat like they were supposed too. To her surprise not only have they prepped the meat the had cooked it to, both were awaiting her arrival to say "HAPPY BIRTHDAY MISTRESS!" they both yelled. The lady Felt a large smile form under her porcelain mask and a tear roll down her cheek.  

It bought back memories to when she was in the teacher's domain 

They were in a crevice in the wall hiding from the teacher and Mono had made her a small toy fox as a gift because she had mentioned it was her birthday.

"Hey! Six!"

"Hey Mono.." 

"Check this out. I made it for you"

"Oh Mono, this is so sweet Thank You!"

"No problem after all, What are friends For?"

That same fox sat in her room for years after she had triumphed over the maw's jailor

The first lady. 

She snapped back to reality five minutes after they said that and said "Thank you for working so hard boys I know it doesn't seem like I appreciate what you do but I do" Thank you mistress" they said simultaneously.

She then warped over to Roger the Janitor in the near basement of the maw "Morning Rodger" Said the lady "Ah happy birthday Si-" "Rodger!" The lady interrupted "AH!" the janitor said surprised "I'm so sorry mistress, my mistake" "It's fine Roger, However I want to talk to you about- about" "Say no more" Roger Interrupted understanding how difficult it was to say the boy's name

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