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Six just stared at him for a bit and a thousand thoughts rushed to her head "W-what the-? Does he realize what he just said?! Am I Hearing things?! does he feel the same way?! I hope to god i'm not saying this out loud!" Then her heart accelerated like a race car engine and she slumped into her kimono as if it were a sweatshirt or hoodie so mono couldn't see her face as red as her heart that beat-ed like a professional drummer playing bongos. 

"Um... Six?" asked mono "Why are you in your shirt? Like a snake going into a hole?"

She thought might as well tell him because honestly she had no idea what she was doing in the first place. "Y-you know" she said not maintaining eye contact and emerging  from her kimono hole "W-We have t-to work on your w-w-whispering mono..." 

It took mono a whole two minutes to process "Why would she say that...?" until he remembered what he just said under his breath a few moments ago. His eyes opened up quickly and he instantly turned the other direction in embarrassment and they just sat there in silence. 


"Did you mean it...?" asked six "Did you really mean that? or was that you getting long with the moment...? 


"I..." Mono didn't even finish the sentence they just sat there 

"You know... I shouldn't have got my hopes up." six said while standing up "A part of me really did hope we could be more than friends..." 

"Six wait" he mutterd out too late as she was already heading back to the maw to just forget about today, however the thin man hoped now to fall into a deep sleep...

and Never wake up

While trodding back to the maw the two just started crying it started to rain, but they both just felt to horrible to care suddenly It felt just as it did before for them both 


And eventually they cried: Six was in her bed in the maw by her self just sobbing into the pillow like there was no tomorrow you'd think she was yelling if her voice hadn't sounded so cracked from the contistency of it. 

Mono was just sitting there on the bench filled with regret. "Why didn't he say anything?" he just pur his hands in his pocket and started walking. He didn't know where he would end up himself he personally didn't care if he walked on a trap he would probably just let it kill him. While he was walking he just had this expression of emptiness on his face, like a strong man at a funeral for a loved one, he looked the part but if you looked at his face you could see he really really wanted to cry but he just couldn't. 

He just didn't know how to express that feeling.

then finally after hours of walking he just sat down his eyes so teared up he just cowered in a ball and shivered. It felt as if- no WORSE than the tower, the tower had no way to express this kind of despair. If it did It would have easily broken him. So he sat in a ball and shivered, in the familiar embrace of a feeling all too familiar to him.

That cold and alone feeling.

The rain and thunder didn't help with that either as he sat down the thundering got worse, and worse Mono didn't even bother taking notice of it he was still in that stance, however mono should take this heed of god as a warning that he had quite a few metal things on his suit. 

And wet metal is and excellent conductor for electricity.

Six's POV 

She barely woke up, she had really no energy after what happened last night. So she got up got dressed and went down to check on everything/one. You'd have to be chef stupid to not realize something was up with the lady, Hell even they could tell something was wrong. She was angry loose, and didn't even wear her mask or do her hair. No one planned to say anything until she went to roger who could tell something was up by the way she came in and spoke. 

"Evening roger..."

"Morning mistress?"

 "What's with the obvious question roger?" 

"W-Well it's just that you seem a little... Upset?" 

"It's none of your concern roger."

"It is when, it affects my, the employees, and your well-being." 

"Roger leave me be I just want to be left alone."

"Ok I didn't want to say this but you are acting as sour as the last lady, and just as cruel with your words too." 

This got through to her in an instant she NEVER wanted to be like the last lady and would do all to prevent it, She even tried changing the name to forget about her she sighed and told the stubby subborn old man everything that happened when she left with mono. 

"Huh well the way your describing it it sounds like all his fault?" 

"IT IS his fault roger! If he did like me why not tell me in the first place?!" 

"Ok A. look at yourself and how your reacting you sound like an idiot, If you liked him why push him away six...? Maybe he knew you would react and he didn't want you to blame him or yourself. Six your practically told him to go die in a ditch. 

B. Six you also kind of put him in  bad spot, If I were him it would take me a while to put my thoughts together, imagine how he feels, he's injured, battered, insulted, and he forgave you and now he said that, you HEARD HIM he likes you and you don't give him a bit to prepare himself?"

He was absoluetly right 

Everything he said was fact, he was on the spot, conflicted, injured and all, and she just left him in the cold rain by himself.  The worst part in the suit he has is loaded with metal. 

An excellent conductor for lightning she rushed out with whatever she had on and instantly went to check on the bench they sat at.

 He wasn't there. 

"No,no,no,no... Not again.... MONO! PLEASE...! IF YOU CAN HEAR ME COME BACK...! Yelled the lady to no avail in the city the constantly rained. "God dammit... Where could he be?"

Quick Mono POV 

He didn't recognize where he was at first but when he did he was scared of the place, but it also had familiar and relaxing memories "God dammit if only I could get up from here." He couldn't, he lost too much blood, not to meantion six broke his arm un-intentionally "God dammit" he said crying, he pulled out the picture of him carrying six back to the maw. "If only I just... had the time..." 

If only she knew what his answer would have been. He knew what was happening.

He was dying right where he sat.

Now our two main characters are on a timer they didn't even know existed.

A blood timer if mono looses too much blood well...

Guess you'll have to pay attention to what happens next. 



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