The blood timer

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Six hours remaining until... 

She was looking everywhere panicking, beyond all imagination. Going to the School didn't help when Mrs.Gloria told her mono didn't stop by there. She checked high, and low, left and right, But there was no trace of him. 

She couldn't find any bloody footprints because the rain had most likely washed it away. "MONO!" she kept yelling "WHERE ARE YOU?! PLEASE, I DON'T WANT TO LOSE YOU TOO! 


Then she started thinking "he's not in the main area of pale city." She then hurried over to the maw so it could go to the hunter's domain in the woods.  She returned and roger heard her stomp her way in, "Any luck?" 

"No." she said sternly "Go to the woods, he could be there." 


Five hours remaining until... 

She searched the forest yelling out his name like an owner who lost their dog, but even more worried. She searched the hunters cabin maybe he went there for medical attention, or maybe just too look back, "God he must feel horrible" She thought to herself. She kept speeding over to the cabin until "SNAP" a tiny rusty bear trap clamped down on her foot like the jaws of life. 

"F-FUCK" She said in tears of the horrendous pain. To make matters worse the trees were still corrupted by the tower and started reaching over to whom they thought would be a new victim of it's ever so ruthless vines. 

These trees messed with the wrong person...

As soon as six took notice of them she lit the match she had in her rain jacket pocket and proceeded to do the same exact thing she did in the hospital. Except now she had a target that was less agile and not someone she cared for. That's probably why she ended up burning down one-fourths of the forest.  

She then ignored the pain from the now most likely infected bear trap wound, went to the cabin and saw....

No one 

"GOD DAMMIT!" She yelled with the flames still surrounding her, "WHERE ARE YOU MONO! She then halted her rage when she remembered mono could go through Television screens. And decided to look around in the cabin for one. She eventually found one in the corner of the forest and excitedly said " Yes, yes, yes! Thank you life for not being as cruel as I imagined." 

Then she put her hands on the screen and prepared to make a hop through. 

Four hours remaining until...

She was looking through what seemed to be and endless amount of exits, and entrances of multiple television screens until everything started looking... darker? More red? No it was a light shade of pinkish red it sucked her in and she emerged forcefully out of a television screen. "W-what the... NO!" she said. After that she then started taking a look at her surroundings, It was a seemingly long hallway gray colored but it was foggy she couldn't see the very end. After seeing her friend wasn't there she tried exiting back into the television to no avail. "W-What... NO! LET ME IN! I HAVE TO FIND HIM OR HE DIES! she was tearing up again now and suddenly a cold chill ran down her spine as she realized exactly where she was. 

"The last corridor..." she said silently.

 She then started walking to the direction of the doorway chill increasing but she didn't give two fucks. All that she cared about was finding her friend. She walked the seemingly endless hallway until... She reached a door, the door had a large eye and seemed to follow the lady's movement as she tilted her head to the side. "Creepy..." she stated however the eye would not cloud her judgement now she put her hand on the door and slowly opened it. 

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