Letting anger out

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Six woke up the next morning extremely confused on how she got into her bed when she was outsi-... "SHIT!" she turned around next to see a thin man waving a peace of paper in the air. 

"Oh morning six I didn't know you woke up. Yesterday you fell asleep outside in the rain while I was holding you so..... I asked the chef's to take a picture." 

She snatched the paper from hi hand to see a picture of Mono holding six in his arms practically coddling her. "Mono...."

"Yes six?"

"I'm gonna  kill you mono!" she yelled instantly rushing toward him. Mono laughing hysterically moved aside and ran out of the room saying "This is an intense game of tag your trying to play here six!" 

 "Mono when I catch you there will be no BODY to TAG!" she yelled in response.

She chased him around for a while until she got tired  and they both sat down next to each other. "Your evil mono." 

"Not as evil as that together bath joke you made." 

Six snickers but was still annoyed that she practically let her guard like that and the fact he waved it in her face made it even more embarrassing. Mono took note of six's annoyed expression and asked "What's wrong pal?" still slightly laughing at the chase scene they just had. 

"It's that picture it's SO embarrassing." 

"Why so?" he asked "Mono i'm a grown woman." she said, "I shouldn't need help with things like yesterday. Not only did I almost die like a rat, I fell asleep on you because I was so tired. The fact that I can't even protect myself makes me think i couldn't protect anyone I care about. Like what if some monster attacks us or the maw and I can't do anything because i'm not strong enough." 

"I get where you are coming from six." He said, "but I can help with that, hell you almost, ALMOST beat the thin man with a broken foot, you even remained calm the whole way."

He put his hand on her face without even realizing it, faced her towards him and continued talking. "You are a bad-ass six weather you realize it or not. And if you want help to get stronger than I think I can help with that." 

Six gave a large smile and gave mono a tight hug taking his hand of her face. "Thank you mono." 

"No problem six." 

"anyway" mono stated after their hug "do you have an open space where we could practice or no?" "We may need to go outside mono." six replied "I don't really allow fighting in the maw" 

"Ok" replied mono 

They teleported outside to the longest street in the pale city and separated vertically by 10 feet.

"Ok" said mono "First things first. What even are your powers?" he asked 

"Well.... I can teleport, I can't exactly go through screens without help, I guess i'm a bit of a psychic because I can lift people up, and I can kinda use other things as sort of weapons L-Like the fire!" she said. 

"what about like physically? because if you were to hit me with a sledgehammer I don't think it would break one of my bones." 

"I'm pretty sure I'm normal when it comes to that... OH I don't have the lady's weakness of mirrors." 

"perfect i can work with that." said mono "Alright next I want you too attack me."

"wait what?" said six

"I said attack me, with anything" replied mono

"But what if I hurt you?" Asked six "don't worry" he replied " I bet you can't " he sad with a slightly cocky tone while smirking." 

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