Outside the maw

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Mono was the first to wake, he saw six laying down picked up his fedora and prepared to leave. He opened up the door silently, to his surprise was a stubby also fedora hated man on the other side.

"where do you think your going?" asked roger "Um I-I have no excuse...." answered mono. "well since your not the guests or employee's I won't forcefully put you back in there but stay near or on the ship alright? said roger "please... long arms to long arms here she really did miss you." 

Mono partially smiled at this and said "Whatever dad...." in  playful tone. "thank you" said Roger.

Mono wandered around the ship, being bored he partially played with kitchen supplies, and fidgeted with whatever he could until morning. 

Time passed 

Six woke up to notice mono not on the couch and started pondering weather or not he was on the ship or not. "don't worry" said stubby old man Roger. "he's still on the ship, however he woke mighty early. might wanna talk to your prince charming about that soon." "Roger I swear I will kick you." said six. 

"Oh hush now, do what you promised and get clothes on and things." He was right she had to take him out the maw somewhere so she jumped out of bed, and changed from a yellow kimono to a yellow dress skirt of sorts, long enough to cover both her legs but not her feet. She then put on white heels and left her mask in the room on purpose after looking in the mirror for something other than her hair for once.

"I may not be able to see" said Roger "But I can smell the confidence from here." Six chuckled and said "thank you roger" before warping around to find mono eventually finding him in the luggage room. 

Noticing her arrival he slowly turned and asked "what the fuck is the point in luggage if you don't even get to use i-." He stopped because he didn't expect to see his [untrustworthy] friend without her mask, and he what he saw was her gorgeous face. "y-your without you mask" He said "aren't you-?" 

"Hush sweet mono if we are going to have fun might as well leave my mask here right? Also thank you for worrying if I was comfortable or not." She implied.  They left the maw through the ladder once again. "Wow mono You really do have a flat ass." Six implied while walking up snickering. "Six" mono said "don't make me kick you down this ladder." Six this time was the one who let out the heartfelt laugh and finally they were at the top of the maw.

When they arrived the started walking down the road which was now wet with the current rain now going on in this horrible city. "Dammit" implied Six "I thought it wouldn't rain today, ugh let's just go anywa-." She was quickly Interrupted by mono teleporting her to a nearby hood where she wouldn't get wet and him returning back with an umbrella. "there now you won't get wet.' he said while holding the umbrella while opening it. He then gave the umbrella and walked to where he was no longer under the roof. "I don't expect an invitation six." he said noticing she was just staring at him. Cheeks glowing a little red from the kindness of the person who is supposed to hate her. She finally started walking and mono followed. 

They eventually made their way to the forest mono giving an uncomfortable expression six taking light of this asked, "Mono, you look concerned what's wrong?" "I'm just wondering if an old friend is still here." he replied

Six knew WHO he was talking about but didn't want to tell him the Hunter actually shot himself instead of them shooting him.

"Ok almost there........" she said in a peppy tone "Cover your eyes....." she said while putting her hands on his eyes. Mono felt how warm they were regardless of the cruel unforgiving rain but pushed them aside not wanting to be weird. "Okay, okay I will cover my eyes." he said putting is hand on them, and closing them. 

He felt himself being tugged by six in a different direction than what they were traveling. "OK!" Six yelled "we are here.....!" Mono opened his eyes to see a beautiful garden in front of a bench with a variety of flowers in all colors of the rainbow. He smiled a bit because he saw that at the top was two different colored flowers, One naturally yellow and the other painted brown but the paint was falling off to reveal.

"A dark blue shade" he said under his breath.

"Sooooo" Six said "whadya think.... " She said anticipating his answer even though she already knew it from his expression.

"it's beautiful flowe- I MEAN SIX!" He quickly corrected himself blushing and astonished but not quick enough to have six not realize he just called her beautiful as this garden. To her surprise she started blushing as well.

What a wonderful way to end off a relaxing chapter and for patience some extra fluff for y'all. 

Have a wonderful first day back from 


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