The talk 1

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"Wait do you mean....?" that was the first question six asked after mono's statement and they both were referring to the kiss they shared on the dance floor. 

"yes that's exactly what I mean..." He said in an awkward tone knowing how uncomfortable it must be for her as it was to him. 

"maybe we should sit down." implied mono 

"Y-yeah I think that's a great idea" responded six 

They both sat next to each other on the six's bed. 

"My god this is starting off worse than I thought." mono said jokingly trying to bring up the mood. Six chuckled slightly but the smiled faded to a frown on both their faces because they HAD to talk about it at some point but never really thought of anything to ask. 

"Well to maybe start this off let's start with the fact i'm sorry." said mono. "What do you have to feel sorry about?" six asked. "Well it just feels like I took advantage of the situation I don't know why but It just made me feel guilty for doing so..." "Hey calm down ok? said six "you didn't take advantage of anything, I dunno we were messing around and it turned into a..... Romantic moment? I guess? Maybe a hormone thing? Honest to god we should blame roger for that damn waltz music." 

"you know" said mono "your not wrong" he said laughing a bit. "I mean... you kissed back technically..." he said getting quieter the further he got into that sentence. "I won't deny that I did mono." said six "But what does this even mean? Like, are we still friends?" 

"Of course we are!" he stated "you have no reason to cloud you judgement because of something like that, we are definitely still friends." 

Six smiled and said "that's good...." "But i'm just wondering assuming (hopefully)" she said under her breath " that I am your first kiss did you well... enjoy it?" 

Mono got so surprised by the question that he choked on his own spit. "COUGH! I-i'm sorry can you... Repeat that?" asked mono 

"I asked if you enjoyed the kiss...." she said getting quieter "I'm sorry one more time?" 

"DID YOU ENJOY THE DAMN KISS YES OR NO!" She yelled obviously embarrassed that she had to say it three times now. 

"Well if we're being honest here... then Yes I did. Did you? mono then asked 

"I mean.... I guess it felt nice but when we both realized what actually happened we stopped it right? 

"Y-Yeah... we did." he said sounding a little disappointed 

Six finally looking at now mono's face could tell if his skin was a different tone he'd be a full shade of red because this was definitely and embarrassing thing to talk about especially after being treated by her multiple times in her defense. 

The knife coming at her face, the kids practically about to bash in the thin man's face, when she fell at the garden.... he was- 

"like a knight in shining armor..." she thought, "well... no way i'm sleeping this off" mono said laughing a small bit at his own joke. 

"At least by the dark shade of blue on your face I can tell that you really did enjoy it..." she said teasingly "W-WELL MISSY SAYS THE ONE AND RED AS A CHRISTMAS LIGHT ON DURING THE NIGHT!" Mono yelled embarrassed. Six laughed then suddenly stopped.  

Six now just realizing she didn't have her mask and finally realized it. She left her mask in the other world. 

"No, no, no, no, no, No, NO, NO, NO, NO! I DON'T HAVE ANOTHER MASK!" she yelled 

"wait what's the problem with that?" mono asked 

"If you haven't REALIZED it YET mono I'm not exactly comfortable with my face in other areas then this room! She yelled at him 

"Mono looked down and said "jeez i'm sorry didn't know a mask was so important to you... (other then your damn best friend)" he muttered under his breath. "Oh mono i'm sorry..." she said looking at him with a guilty expression "I'm just not used to wearing my mask out of here, The title Lady of the maw doesn't exactly have a good name, unless you count cooking children." "But six you AREN'T THAT PERSON! Your much more kind than the last lady was, your confident, and smart. You even convinced the entire MAW to stop eating children. You of all people should go out there and say I'm proud to wear this face. 

"The same face that dropped you and ate seven?" she implied. 

He stood dumbfounded at what she said for a moment then said "Wow six... that's a low blow even for you." 

He started walking out of the room 

"No wait mono i'm sorry I didn't mean it like that..." she said grabbing ahold of his arm. "Let go of me. I think I need some time alone." he said yanking his arm out of her hand, while continuing to walk out. "Mono-MONO! please come back i'm sorry..." she said "I just wanted others to see you as I can" he said before warping out of the maw.  

"Mon-! o......." she said tears falling down her face. 

"I-I'm sniff* s-sorry......"

She thought that he was in the maw so she checked around the maw first. alerting the super-hearing janitor that she was worried. 

"Mistress what's wrong?" asked roger

"Roger cancel the weekly trip to the nest." stated six

"mistress that doesn't answer my question." said roger 

"ok quick explanation, me and mono talked about the dance things got awkward, I got worried I had no more masks, I yelled at mono, and he teleported somewhere upset." She started tearing up "A-and I do-don't know where and sniff* he probably h-hates me..."  

"Ok" said roger "I can search around the Maw for him and you can look around outside if you please." "A smile formes on six's wet teared  up face and she uttered out a "thank you" she teleported back to her room, got on a large raincoat her size, zipped it up and went out in the harsh rain to look for her friend. 

Mono's POV 

After getting upset at six teleported out of the maw and climbed onto the top of the signal tower, where he wasn't condemned to but enjoyed the view it gave him. However it was cold, VERY cold and at the bottom of the drop if he was dumb enough to slip would be much worse. Harsh winds and rains, enough to probably carry a small child through it's ever so powerful gust. 

Then he wondered 

"What if he were dumb enough to fall down this edge?" 

Cliffhanger again boys and girls 

nothin much to really say except of course 


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