Death's definition

415 15 51

Today's topic is a bit dark you have been warned

Have you ever considered what it's like to die? To pass move on from whatever plane of existence you live on. If you asked me how I wanna die I would choose like someone memorable someone that will be remembered for something, someone that isn't just a normal essence of man on the planet we live on. 

Others don't think the same in fact they end it too quickly without any recognition. 

DON'T do that if life challenges you you FIGHT with your bare knuckles and beat the shit out of your challenge in front of you.

I took a challenge- no a disability given by god and beat the shit out of it

top grades and honor roll boom baby

However the question pondering our protagonist at this time was how am I going to stop this inevitable demise of my best friend?

What she didn't know is when she traveled back she went to the exact place and Time of our other protagonist.

Emerging from the tv screen she was horrified at the sight she saw.

It was the thin man. "No not possible" she thought "he's dead mono got rid of him." "Wait", she thought "I went back so he's still alive in this timeline." she quietly followed his steps without him noticing he disabled the traps with a large branch and then BANG! 

"Fuck" the tall man said as he swiftly warped over to the hunters cabin. "Now's my chance to get ahead of him" the lady thought as she herself had quickly warped around the house as the thin man was inside it. She kept walking until a sound of a loaded shotgun clicked behind her. "Who are you?" asked  the voice "my name is the Lady, I am from the maw I just came to personally get the meat I required from the ship."

 "That's weird" the voice said "last time I checked the lady was taller and she NEVER wore yellow. So he said getting closer who ARE you really?" "Ok what i'm about to tell you may shock you but I am from the future." she blatantly said. This statement seemed to have worked as the voice she heard stopped talking and then asked "ok some weird things happen here but that's the most stupid, i'm gonna need proof of that please, can you tell me something that's gonna happen?" 

"I will do you one better" said the lady "just moments ago you shot at a paper bag boy and a small girl who you had locked in your first floor room with a music box." The voice then said "ok well then guess that proves it." "really?" asked the lady while turning around "that's it? you don't need ANYTHING else?" "Listen lady" shot back the figure she could now identify as the hunter "I am too angry and upset to care about whatever back to the future Shit you have planned. all i want to do is capture these kids so I can do my job for this guy and get back to relaxing."

 "Guy?" asked the lady "are you talking about the thin man?" "yes" replied the hunter "i am, I already tried breaking free of his grip long ago with my trusty ol' peashooter here" "I only got what? Twelve to thirty bullets coming back at my face. I wouldn't wear this bag otherwise"

"dear lord" said the lady "that's horrible." Then an idea came to her maybe she didn't have to only help mono along the way she could help the monsters that once hunted her. "Have you ever tried well... talking" asked the lady "Talking! HAH" blurted out the hunter that monster didn't listen when I begged him to stop the program or not to take my daughter why would he listen now?"

"Maybe he just needs to hear it, and after all has he ever said no to reports personal or non-personal?" "You know what YOUR RIGHT!" said the hunter "i'm gonna let this mother fucker have it! I don't care what he does, he's gonna FUCKING LISTEN!" he shouted as he stomped into his house. 

"Another job well done and a wonderful time to encourage some not yet made friends" said the lady proud of what she had just done. She started warping further to the raft that was near the end of the island to hopefully hitch a ride or get a good teleporting distance when suddenly.


She turned to see the hunter trying to break into the shed like last time but instead he stopped? "what?" whispered the lady she then hid behind a tree and got closer to see him doing a praying symbol and he loaded his shotgun. Then she heard the hunter say "my dear family i'm sorry that you must watch with the heavenly father as i commit such atrocities to those around in the wonderful place we used to call home. Don't worry though" he said while pointing the shotgun towards his face. "I will see you soon." 

Suddenly realizing what he was about to do she kept from her hiding spot and shouted "WAIT NO-"


He laid there dead and she gasped as if out of breath prepared to start crying but then she saw far off the thin man running at full speed in her direction. In quick thinking she hid behind a tree and started listening. 

"No no no no no." said the thin man softly " she peaked to see that he was removing his mask and then.

he stopped 

she saw and looked around her as the forest then became Flushed with life as animals started gathering around and the bluebirds started singing it was peaceful until she heard the thin man. 



He swung around hitting trees, and breaking many in the process as if a chainsaw came and was going crazy on all the trees nearby luckily not hers. 

After all of that he got on his knees and started crying like a child deprived of his parents at a young age. Then she heard him say still in tears "No, I have to break this cycle then my happiness matters." He then retreated to the T.V and suddenly six knew 

That wasn't just the thin man, 

That was her BEST friend 

and after she realized this figure was him she cried in her mask 

"oh my g-god" she said while sobbing "what have I done to you mono?" "my poor sweet mono....." she then got up acknowledging that sitting there and doing nothing wasn't going to help him. 

She went to a different TV knowing mono he would go to the exact next place so

She went to the Hospital to plan how she was going to help him.

1160 words

Woooooo cliffffhangerrrrrrrr 

I'm so evil lol  sorry this chapter is short but I am going to be asking readers on choice making like I did

Credits tooooooooooo: @CindyVonOtaku for choosing where i was gonna spawn the lady and here is the result 

Next chapter will be a thin man POV and I will see you soon my fellow reader now let's get ready this story's catchphrase again....


End of transmission

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