Forgiveness Because of you part 2

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To let something or SOMEONE go, to be relived of something, or to accept something that has already happened.

This action is something the lady hoped her best friend would do when she would apologize to him, knowing very well of herself that it wouldn't be enough on it's own.

"UGH! what am I gonna doooooooooo.......?" said the lady to herself, " if mono is goin to be here he's going to be beyond angry seeing me. It's only fair whatever he does when he attacks me, Right?" She questioned and questioned how this would go until she heard a disgusting voice pleading to someone. 

"NO NO! LET ME OUT I STILL HAVE SO MANY PATIENTS" laughed the voice, then another voice appeared "nah I rather you burn in hell and while you still live you sick twisted bastard" said the other voice. "NO NO AGHHHHhH! She wandered over silently towards the voices to see in the boiler room of the hospital The thin man and the doctor supposedly screaming in pain he was burning alive in the furnace. The thin man warped away slowly and took of his fedora and seemed to start mourning? 

"What was he mourning for?" thought the lady, as if on cue he started talking "rest in peace all those who feel victim to the witch in the oven. I am sorry for what I have done, I only pray that you understand why my actions are in such haste, and that then the deed is done. I plan to burn with all of your fears of me."

She was right, he planned to end his life as soon as he got his revenge. She also noticed how much he stayed the same each time he saw him, no matter how long he suffered a part of him still cared for others well being before his own. 

He checked the hunters after he saw his body in hopes to save him.

And he killed the corrupt doctor that gave eternal hell to children and adults alike. 

He was still Mono 

She was about to go to him untill suddenly they both heard pitter patter of feat in the halls or what they both thought was the halls. The lady hid behind the door in a nearby room and heard the thin man sigh and say "how I long for this torment to end. All I have to do is wait, the kids should be here soon and I will kill them myself. It's not like I have a better reason to live anymore."

He was right now planning to kill his past self and her own past self. Worst of all was she couldn't even blame him. How long as he been there? What horrifying things was he shown? Was she the cause of this-this CHANGE in mono's character? She shudders at the thought, after all her own tourture in that tower felt like an eternity, she couldn't begin to imagine what it was like being there your actual life. 

She peaked over to see the thin man looking around at his surrounding's to see if he could discover his source. 

He definitely found the source 

He shouted out "RIGHT ABOVE ME!" And with incredible upper strength smashed a hole in the vent and pulled out his past self from it. Which also meant her past self wasn't far behind. 

This was confirmed when the thin man kept on smashing through the vent with his hand to try and get someone. 

After the constant attempts he then talked to his past self, and heard the most stupidist insult that definitely meant this was mono before the incident " HAH! That's what you get you dark blue pencil-... Man." She Snickerd at the attempt but that smile quickly faded at the shot back from his future self with a much more horrible insult. 

She watched as the small boy protected her location at the cost of  his own life. She heard every five seconds a bone snap. And she witnessed her past self had the courage to walk up to the thin man and electrocute him. 


What got her goat was what happened after the barrage of insults of pure rage, agony,sadness coming from this man that used to be her best friend. At a moment she flashed back to when she was in the tower. A blocked memory when she was a monster no better than the ones here.

" Hey." 

"Can you hear me"

"Listen before I do this I hope you hear me six, but you are the strongest girl I ever met. No matter the size" he whispered under his breath. "When we get out of here I don't care what we are friends, or something more... But I hope when I do this when i.... 

Break the box that you will be fighting the towers control. You helped me conquor my greatest fear that-that thin man. And when we are done I will help you with yours."

He picked up the hammer.

"Love you bestie"


She woke from he trance and saw the thin man preparing to exit with the children in his hands.

With her magic she shoved the thin man to the opposite end of the hall, and she told him

"Hello old friend"

880 words 

Sorry for short chapter but now the thin man and lady will be intertwined

So my beloved readers 

End of transmission

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