The garden- the dance Part one

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Art above By the same person who made my cover [Obviously] and also warning for the chapter again and also their name is on the description on the story.

"S-So..... Any questions?" Asked mono trying to break the awkward silence

"A-about what?" Six asked, doing the same. "I just thought you would have questions about when I was in the tower." said mono "It's fine if you don't wanna do this quid pro quo game i'm offering." "Oh actually I think that's actually a great idea" she stated "I could get to know you more after all this time. Plus You could know more about me." "Ok" said Mono "However we each only get two passes on ten questions asked. Deal?"

"Deal" Six agreed

They shook hands and both of them sat down on the bench and started thinking of questions to ask each other. Once they both had their thoughts together they told each other they were ready.

"Ok" said mono "me first only fair right?" Six nodded yes "Great so my question is, Why DID you keep that fox if it reminded you of me why keep it?

"Pass" Six stated "I don't really have a full answer and since I can't just say I don't know I can't answer that."

"At this rate I can reveal the truth of life or my life's biggest questions" Mono said jokingly

Six smirked at him and asked her question " What was the tower like for... So long?"

She could tell he definitely wasn't comfortable with this because regardless of the rain pouring on him, a single tear came down his astonished expression. "Y-You don't have to answer that I understand if you want a free pass." She said while putting her hand on his lap and looking at his face as if to sooth him.

"No it's only fair, after all you went through something similar." He said putting his on hers then removing both of their hands from his lap.

"When I was in the tower, at first it was just quiet THEN the eyes started showing me.... Images." "what kind?" Asked six

"Myself at the time." he replied "Or rather the last thin man. It just zoomed in on his face, as if mocking him that he failed and now look at what I did.

I killed the person trying to save me six.

That wasn't even the worst part; the constant yelling in my ears ringing "my fault" and other words."

"how did you not die even?" Asked the lady in a guilty but worried voice

"The tower kept me alive, and that was your second question" he said a bit angry and disappointed.

"I tried killing myself after the first twenty. That failed miserably and after that I finally decided that I would find some way to either kill myself, you, or both."

"It took you twenty years for you to start hating me?" asked the lady in slight hopefulness.

"I guess that's how much I cared for you as a kid then what I said to myself was she's really gone...., also that was the third question."

Six Partially smiled at the slight joke but that smile quickly faded into her crying.

"I-i don't deserve you." Six said under her breath

"I'm sorry could you repeat that?" mono asked

"I DON'T DESERVE YOU MONO!!" She yelled and stood up "I have done n-nothing for you even after ALL OF THIS!! It took you TWENTY YEARS MONO! TWENTY YEARS, TO CONVINCE YOURSELF THAT IT WAS MY FAULT YOU WERE TRAPPED!! I- I don't deserve a friend like you...." She tried walking away but quickly tripped because she was wearing heels in the forest getting everything dirty including her face a bit.

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