The school

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As The thin man exited the T.V he looked at his surrounding's for traps, remembering how he almost got decked in his face by a lamp swinging down upon from the ceiling.

He noticed the traps weren't tripped yet "their not here yet" he thought so he walked over to the teacher's room to hopefully catch his two tiny targets. He walked in to find a room full of doll children and the teacher turning her head around in a full 180 degree turn to face him. 

"Oh" the teacher said not even trying to hide her disappointment. "What are you doing here?" "Listen" the thin man said. "I am sorry for whatever I did but I PROMISE you that I have a reason." 

"Whatever you did? Said the teacher "how would you not kno-" suddenly she stopped sat in a thinking position and said, "your not from this exact time are you?" 

The thin man astonished how she just hit it spot on asked "H-How do you know?" "Simple" replied the teacher "before I turned into, well... THIS I was a science teacher, and I always told my students, who you see before you," obviously trying to make him feel bad still a bit. "I always thought time travel was possible we just need something or someone to move fast enough." "Then you came." 

"From what I know now you sent each of my students and a majority of the controlled adults, to someone you called the doctor." 

"Then I thought after a majority of grieving, caused by YOU by the way. I thought back all the way to when this started and I remembered."

"I came through the T.V" the thin man interrupted

"Exactly, frequency and all that aside" said the teacher. I only wondered one thing, why?"

"Why would you come WAY back just to do is to everyone it doesn't even make sense." So if you want me to come even REMOTELY! Close to forgiving you, you better tell me. Or you can leave the room an never return. 

The thin man sighed deeply and replied: "Ok..." "It's only fair, however I would appreciate if we can do it somewhere private as I personally am not comfortable discussing my past." The teacher then gave a signal to the students that it was dismissal of the class and they could run off. The students ran off to the cafeteria, to play and enjoy their recess, even the small one with the dunce cap ran with them not so far behind.  

The thin man chuckled at the sight and proceeded to sit down. "Ok" he started to say "let's start with my actual name." "It's mono, and I came back to end a cycle put on me by my companion who I thought was my best friend, Six. They are supposed to be coming through this school from if my memory is correct, in a few minutes." "The reason I am not AWARE of my actions is because this cycle had gone on longer than I thought." 

"Well how many times has this happened, or have you tried to stop it?" Asked the teacher, "Supposedly from MY sources" replied the Thin man, "I have tried-" he gulped as him saying this was hard for him because not even he knew if whatever he may be doing right now could be making a change. "One Billion attempts at changing my fate, and so far I have died the same way in each timeline, my past self turns me into dust."

The teacher was definitely surprised hearing this but asked another question to hopefully move it along, as if she wanted him to wait so these kids can pass by. 

She did not want that after hearing this in the slightest.

"If you really are from the future then tell me something that's about to happen."

"Ok" the thin man swiftly replied "in about fifteen seconds the bell is going to ring and your next topic will be math you also have a ruler in the skirt pocket on your right if I am correct." 

Time passed and the bell rang, she actually was going to start teaching the children math and she did have a ruler in the exact pocket he described.

"Oh my lord" she said softly, "you poor poor child, what has this cruel world put you through to commit such atrocities."

The tall slender figure softly cried after hearing this as if a mother coddling her child, and responded "Too much. Too too much." 

The teacher gave him a hug and a warm pat on the back as if saying it's going to be alright when in reality she had no idea what was going to happen. Snapping back into reality she swiftly asked "So, these kids. When do they get here and especially where will they be when they do?"

"The best moment to try and get them will be when they are in this room" the thin man replied "One of your kids will notice them and go after them, the rest will follow and so will you." "DON'T do this they will only escape and they will destroy some of the kids in the process." "Instead send half of them to chase them and the other half to go around into the kitchen and hope that works." "By then I should be able to go around and take one of the brats, however the girl i'm after wears a yellow raincoat and dark clothing, past me wears a brown coat pants and paper bag."

"Paper bag?" said the teacher "what are you doing trying to get the crumbs out of the bottom of a mcdonald's bag?" 

The thin man turned in her direction and stated "I was a shy kid ok? I never exactly trusted anyone with my face. Especially now you can see why I don't trust anyone because of the situation I'm in."

As if on cue there was a slight creaking sound from behind them and each and everyone in that room turned to see a small kid in brown with a paper bag on his head.

"YOU" The Thin man said in anger with a slight bit of static. "WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR YOU BRATS" The teacher shrieked "GET HIM!" 

In command all the doll children came lunging at him and the boy swiftly ran the opposite direction praying to whatever god out there that he won't end up becoming one of these kids.

"DAMMIT" The thin man shouted "HOW LONG WAS HE STANDING THERE!" "I-I Don't know replied the teacher, "I noticed him when you did." 

"Fuck" the thin man swiftly said as he started phasing through the rooms and walls to where his past self should have been.

Instead there was no one in the room

"No no no no no NO NO NO!" he started shouting like a child who lost in a video game when they would be  so close to the end.

"DAMMIT! Ok no need to worry if he's not here he was only there until I started planning their capture they must be somewhere else." 

Then he realized something, the timeline is malleable but not THAT malleable. If he took this any further the teacher wouldn't do her normal actions and may stay chasing them in the vents until-

No he wasn't going to let the teacher lose her life, not the first monster who had forgiven him. 

He went into the TV to hopefully try again at the doctor's area where spaces will be more cramped and he will have more time to plan.

According to the knowledge of this world the doctor is the only one that BENEFITS from his transformation. He then went into the TV and said a silent goodbye knowing the teacher wouldn't hear it,

And left

WOOoOoOOoOoP 1305 words y'all next will be the lady's pov in new territory for her the forest so say it with me boys and girls


End of transmission 

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