A new beginning

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They both walked out of the tower and for once it was sunny outside. Maybe things are finally looking up in the city that always rains? "You said the maw correct?" Asked mono. "Yes" replied six " That's where my family or rather employees are, and now I can add one more member." She said smiling. 

"Remember I still don't trust you." Mono said if you happen to catch yourself falling from the cliff you better hope that your levitation power of yours works." 

"Fair,fair" replied six "did you know the hunter actually delivered meat there, to the maw?" 

"I became aware when I was stuck in the tower for so long I had most of the knowledge of the last him man, just not the..." 

"It's fine you don't have to say what you heard or saw there." Interrupted six. Mono just stopped talking and continued to walk with her, "you know" said mono breaking the tense silence " why do you wear a mask?" 

"Why do you keep your fedora so far down that it covers your face!" She yelled slightly unknowingly. 


"Sigh... Mono I'm sorry, it's just I coped by not looking with the well... Monster in the mirror, I technically thought I killed you, And I was just alone for so long-" she stopped what she was about to say because mono himself had been trapped in the tower so much longer than she was ever alone. 

"You know it's fine" he said breaking the silence "I know loneliness better than anyone. But to answer why I keep my fedora down... I keep my face covered in the likelyness anyone recognized me." 

"Recognized you?" Said six about to feel even worse "You had family?" 

"HAD is the key word there six." Said mono " I was scared from when I was a little boy why this tall horrifying man came to my village and destroyed everything. He left me alone and I was scared in the future he would come back and when he did, it was when I realized the truth. That he and I were the same man." 

"Mono I'm sor-" "it's for ONCE not your fault" interrupted mono "I never needed to kill them but I did anyway and to today I have no occurrence why." 

"Well hey, At least you will have family here" said six "I don't even know if I can trust the one family member I have six." Said mono, making six feel guilty because she knew exactly what he meant. 

They were at the dock and the submarine emerged from the ground to let the two inside, they both walked up,

"Ladies first" said six chuckling. "unless you prefer me looking up when I go down this ladder I suggest you and your dress go first you ass." said mono giving a slight smile at the joke. 

Six taking his word went down first kind of blushing under the mask as she was actually pondering would he do that or not. 

"Welcome mistre-eeeeee.... Who the fuck are you?" Said Roger preparing to give her a greeting but slightly worried when a tall mono with his tall body came down as well. 

"Roger this is mono, mono - Roger" said six 

"It's good to meet you" said the thin man reaching his arms down to shake his hand. 

"Same here buddy. At least someone now understands my long arm struggles." He now looked up to realise his fedora was covering his face. "Oh God your just like her." 

"Roger nooooo....." Said six in a playful whine. "Come mono let me show you the chefs." 

"Ok then." Replied mono

They walked over to the kitchen where a knife instantly a soon a they opened the door a knife went straight for six's face.

 Lucky for her mono was there to catch it.

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