Talking The dance part two

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Morning came and six was the first to wake up. She turned to see a tall sleeping Mono, in his bed wearing the same outfit he was wearing since he became like that. She then wondered how she was ever going to bring up what happened yesterday, and also how she was going to make men's clothes for mono to change for once in his life.

Even though the suit was fancy, it did nothing but remind her of the monster that once stalked all the halls, alleys, corridors, and televisions of the pale city.

He was no longer that monster.

She then left the room after putting on her mask and casual yellow kimono. To look around for clothes for mono to maybe wear. She started to look at the luggage area getting too focused on it, because when mono woke and eventually found her he put his hand on her shoulder and said "hey pa-WOAH!" he instantly got thrown by six into the wall out of fright by being startled. "OH My GOD M-MONO!!" Six yelled while rushing to him "Are y-you okay!?"

"Yeah, yeah i'm fine." mono answered snickering "That's one way to say good morning." "Ok thank god..." she said relaxing "What did you come here for anyway?"

"I came to actually ask if I could go out of the maw for a bit to check on something, except what I should instead be asking about is yesterday." Mono said. Six knew exactly what he was referring to and preferred to stray as far as she could about that moment they shared.

"That's fine by me but, may I ask where exactly are you going too?" Six asked "To the school-house in pale city." replied mono. "I wanted to see if someone I know is still there."

"Ok" said six "Stay safe" "I will" said mono glitching out to the top of the maw. "Stupid six" she said to herself "why did I let that happen..... It felt good though..." "that's what I thought when i heard it" said the janitor

"ROGER!" Six yelled "H-how long have you been standing there?" "Long enough to know adults can still get crushes, and to know exactly who." said the janitor. Regardless of weaning a mask six covered her face in embarrassment. "C'mon..." said Roger "You are an idiot if you think you are just gonna keep quiet for years, you already kissed...." he mentioned in a taunting but playful tone. "Yes we had you stalker," she said "But if you haven't realised our mental circumstances if something were to happen.... I don't know what either of us would do, How do I even know if he feels the same?! She sighed and continued "The point is we wouldn't be in this state if I hadn't dropped him, we can be friends but what if he never wants that kind of relationship because of what I did?"

"I.... never really thought about that.." Said the janitor " I guess you're right, Fine... i'll butt out of your love life. But I expect you guys to at least have a good friendship, and for you to bring me those clothes to knit em." "How did you-" she thought but stopped and snickered as she continued to scrounge through the luggages to get some clothes.

{Mono's P.O.V}

He started warping over to the schoolhouse and stopped when he reached the front door. He slowly opened the door, went inside, and went to the room that the teacher usually taught in. To his surprise she was there teaching her students. "H-Hello Mrs. Gloria" said mono catching her attention. 'Oh praise the lord..." she said "You're alive."

"Yes sadly." He said sarcastically. "How have you been?"

"Actually pretty nicely" she replied "things have been getting better here.

"That's great anywa-" "So did you get your revenge?" she interrupted "actually there was no reason too...." he answered "She had a reason and everything is also proven valid. Actually she's trying to earn my trust back as we speak."

"That's- Amazing actually!" She said "So wait what does she look like anyway, right now that is?"

"Three fourths of my size and honestly that's what I came to talk about." said mono
"So recently we have been hanging out trying to be friends again right? And we talked about what the tower did to us BOTH, she apparently felt so bad she started cutting but stopped just around three years ago."

"Oh my that's something." said the teacher "Any chance I can meet her?"

"I can try" Mono said "But you creeped six out the most at a young age so don't expect a guarantee." "Fair but to go back on topic are you done or not?" the Teacher asked.

"No let me continue" mono said "So recently she took me somewhere and it was a place to dance, we danced for a long time because by the time we went up it was night. However the last song that played was the waltz."

"A two person dance correct?" "Correct" mono replied to the teacher So she asked me to dance. I compiled the first two spins just fine, until the third spin where she tripped and I caught her. We stood there in that position for a while until.... I kissed her, I think? I don't even know... He said, putting his hands on his face in embarrassment. "I don't even know why I did it, she looked nice and had a dress, and I think I took advantage of the moment because just yesterday she was vulnerable and I felt horrible for doing so."

"Oh, so why not just tell her that you like her?" asked The Teacher "Miss Gloria I know that you are bright, but did you not just listen to a word I just said? She cuts, she is in a struggling emotional place, and probably in the worst possible time to even say that. What do you want me to say- "Hey six I know that we kinda still hate each other a bit but wanna go out sometime?"

"Well do you trust her?" Asked The teacher "I don't know..." said mono "She's nice and all but in all reality, we just aren't ready for that yet. And I don't even think I know how I would react after a heartbreak Miss..."

"Hey, hey It's fine..." said the teacher "If you think neither of you are ready yet then just be nice, and calm, and just... be there for her ya know?"

"I guess you're right" he said "ok i'm going to head back but maybe I can get her to come here without her mask."

"Now that I think about it" he thought "since i'm back here are there alternate realites of this world?"

Both now POV

They both went back to their room, Six made it first long before mono did with his new outfits, and put them under the couch bed. Mono entered the room and said "hey six i just thought of something." "Nevermind that for a bit" Six said sounding a bit too exited for mono, "Look under your bed."

"Ok..." he said "Your not gonna kick this leg to the bed right?" "What No, just look under the bed dummy."

He crouched down felt something and pulled it out it and saw: Two sets of clothing, One a white shirt long sleeved shirt a button down, paired with light brown pants and dress shoes also light brown. The other very similar to his current uniform except for the light shade in the navy blue he had on. 

"Oh my god six... this is amazing" he said while turning around "I really have no idea how to thank you." 

"Thank roger when you can as well" said six crossing her arms "he's the one who knitted the clothes I gave him together to make it your size. But what did you want to talk about mono?" 

"Remember we went back in time right?" he said and six nodded "well what if we could go to maybe... another WORLD! Eh, Ehhhhhhhh." 

"Mono I love the idea to explore a new world and maybe even fix what was done unto us but how would that be even possible?" six asked 

"Simple actually, I can vibrate through the tv at the right frequency with you with me of course and with you using your teleportation magic, we could go there to whatever world exists." 

"We can give it a try tomorrow" said six "Right now" she started taking off her mask enough for mono to see her yawn "I-i'm tired, exited for the plan but tired."

"your yawn's like a mouse squeak" said mono "like a cute teddy bear" he said while giving six a enormous bear hug 

"Sometimes I wonder if you are a child still mono"

"alright well night six." 

"Night mono"

1476 words

End of transmission 

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