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Warning attempt at extra long chapter you have been warned.

"Six?" The thin man asked looking up at the lady standing above him

"H-hey buddy." said the lady in reply. After this answer the thin man started laughing almost maniacally, then 


"you know" the thin man said "you just made life so much easier for me now. NOW i get to kill you without my past self in the way. he said as his body started glitching intensely and things started lifting around him. Televisions, glass,normal sized boulders. "Mono ple-" the lady tried saying but she was quickly interrupted with a multitude of objects flying her way at extreme speeds. 

She jumped out of the way and the items that were flying soon crashed into the wall behind her and to look back up only to see the thin man walking in her direction equipped with a large sledgehammer he lifted with complete ease. 

Out of fear she quickly teleported to a nearby room and heard the thin man's static and footsteps growing louder and louder. Eventually he started talking, "Ya know six is the devil's number." he said "it's only fitting for a monster such as you because once i'm done with you your going to need a map."

"one that leads straight to hell where you belong."

Tip tap tip tap. the footsteps grew closer as did the static. Until


The door to the room she was in opened she was under the bed but he didn't see that                       Yet.  The thin man walked over to the nearby wardrobe and all of a sudden after standing there for a minute. He swung the hammer across the side and completely took off the to half of the wardrobe. 

Right where her head would have been if she was hiding there. He peaked inside to see if she was maybe crouching in the now newly renovated closet. 

"not here" he said "where are you. make this easier for the both of us you yellow stain of piss." he said while walking the lady emerged from her hiding spot while he wasn't watching to silently follow him around. "I wonder what you look like under that mask of yours" he said "It won't matter after is BASH YOUR FUCKING HEAD LIKE A MELON! I actually think I should thank you a bit six because NOW, I know better that to trust anyone but myself."

Those words sound HARD in her heart because it was nothing but the truth. She knew in order to get to talk to him safely she was going to have to hurt him. So she quickly teleported behind him and with her magic gave a strong shove. This time however he was ready and started glitching.

"You see this six" he said "when i do well... glitching i phase in and out of this world rapidly and according to your rules of magic, i'm pretty sure it can't traverse into to other universes." He then started walking closer. In haste she lifted up a T.V with her magic and threw it straight into the thin man's chest, and started to quickly run deeper into the hallway. "AGH!" the thin man "you piece of-" In quick thinking he grabbed his sledgehammer and swung it through the T.V which quickly collided with the lady's foot across the hall. 

The lady let out a scream and thought while looking at her foot "ok, ok no need to panic six. It's not twisted so it's most likely a sprain gonna have to push through the pain and fix that later, gotta deal with mono first."  "WOW THAT HURTS!" she silently screamed while standing up.

"Gotcha" said the thin man getting up himself "STOP RUNNING!" he yelled out 

"MAKE ME FLAT-ASS!" Yelled out the lady she then had an idea to taunt him to make him more angry so he would get less careless so she proceeded to yell out "MAYBE IF YOU DIDN'T HAVE SUCH NOODLE LEGS YOU WOULD CATCH ME BY NOW!" This definitely worked because he proceeded to warp short distances at rapid speeds to her location. "Shit" the lady muttered "Shit, shit, shit shit!" she quickly ran to the furnace room and turned it on.

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