Life's definition

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What does it mean to be alive? Is it to have a conscious, to have capabilities to think or is it to have Instinct

To HUNT to watch your enemy squirm as you silently tell yourself  "I earned this kill, I made the finishing blow, And i have taken this things life so I could watch it squirm as I am the successor"

Or could it be to accept your fate that either you watched someone's life Fall beneath you and question yourself why, how, did this happen?, Was it my fault? Was I really helpless to stop it? Or is the question really what could have changed?

This was the question Thin ma- no Mono relived himself of when he was traveling back.

He did it he's surely in the past 

But now what?

He started wandering around as he came from a TV inside a forest until he remembered something. 

"The Hunter" If he went back then He would be alive too, That also meant because of his tall size he was easy prey for his traps and Loaded shotgun. 

He obtained a branch from a nearby tree to disarm most of the traps in his way to the cabin hoping to catch his past self early along with the traitor.

He was taking his time until "BANG!"  He twitched and started phasing as quick as he could to the cabin hoping to god he didn't just miss them.

"Fuck!" He shouted as soon as he realized that he just did miss them and feeling stupid for not remembering.

He decided to take a stroll around the hunter's home to see that he kept his place naturally tidy. As if covering up a crime perfectly, Not to dirty not to clean. He went upstairs to find a photo of a man and his family all smiling like there was no care in the world, He sighed not only wishing that this wasn't what he thought it was, but wishing he could be as happy as this family was, maybe even making one of his own

"Soon mono soon" he told himself he then did a quiet scream as he came downstairs to find the hunter staring back at him with astonished body language as if he didn't expect a guest to arrive.

In a gruff but almost welcoming tone he said " Oh Hello um... I didn't expect you to be here." "G-god at least warn a man your coming h-heh." He did a slight chuckle that quickly seemed to fade into a frown at least that's what Mono thought.

"Are you O.K?" Mono had asked him, once again astonished again that the man who was usually astonishingly cruel to everyone asked him that he replied "honest to god no i'm the complete opposite" 

"Why is that" Mono asked "Heh" The hunter snickers* "You still exist that's why" 

Mono confused wondering what the hell he meant by that gave a confused expression. The hunter catching this replied " You look distraught like All..... of this wasn't your doing. 

Mono now realizing what he meant never actually considered the lives he ruined by taking children or souls in general what the tower he had broadcast to everyone could be doing. 

"I'm s-" "sorry?" The hunter interrupted " sorry doesn't cut what you did to us pal." "you took her my sweet baby butcher right in front of me.....""You even showed us that-That PROGRAM to try and take us too," " I had to shoot them." "Each of them to end their suffering,' " To make sure they could go to a better place than what YOU had in store for them."

During his monologue Mono stood dumfounded as he realized who he meant" The first one" the first child he took and supposedly controlled was one who had a daughter as a butcher, and the hunter was the dad and the other corpses in the chairs, were her family.

"How could you" the hunter continued "take a little girl with her life ahead of her, with a family and just rip her away from them." "How could you just- just kill a family like it's lamb to the slaughter" "At least their nowhere near the possible hell- no even that's to kind for someone like you" "D o m a i n that you were going to take them to," "does that answer your question? How I'm doing or do you need to know the looks on their faces as I shot them, for whatever sick fantasy you have." 

Mono horrified at what he just heard replied "N-no that will be all." "Good" the hunter shot back "also" said mono "I really am sorry but I don't think you would be able to understand why I did it"

"Your right" said the hunter "I never will." "Now if you e-fucking scuse me I have two kids to hunt and I don't think I need an auto-biography of my life story to you." 

The thin man staring at the door the hunter left from wished this never happened and wondered if the other monsters had lives before he-. "Urgh" He shudderd at the thought and started phasing onward hopefully to the kids's hiding place from the hunter and then he heard multiple things the traps, gunshots, a door breaking down, and then silence. 

He knew exactly what this meant and started running as fast as he could until he saw it 

he was too late in the distance he saw the child in the raincoat and the brown bag boy who was named Mono and infront of him he saw the hunter face obliterated and the now black blood oozing out of the now obvious wound he took of the mask to see maybe it wasn't to late, maybe he could save him then he realized   

He was smiling 

Mono cried softly knowing exactly why he was and he was happy knowing that he could ow be at peace and see his family again. As if on cue the forest critter came by and suddenly it was as if the signal tower never affected the forest in the first place it looked


The bluebirds sang the wolves howled  and suddenly everything was silent

GOD DAMMIT! "WHY GOD HUH! IS THIS SOME TWISTED GAME! WHERE YOU HAVE TO SCREAM IN MY FACE HOW I'M THE ONLY ONE WITH NOTHING!" He yelled, he screamed, he swung even with mass strength knocking down some of the tree's that hit his lengthy arms in his fit of rage. 

He then fell on his knees and cried, cried like the child he was before and after he fell, he cried because he had no one no family, friends, or objects to which he could call his own. 

"No" he said to himself still silently sobbing

"I have to break this cycle then my happiness matters" He went then into the T.V to venture onward through the static to reach the children's evident next location 

The Schoolhouse

However before we continue this story of an aching heart we must tell one of another


I will see you in the maw my fellow readers and take some TIME to relax


1154 words WOOOOO

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