The end?

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Six looked up from her tears to now see mono slightly trying to get up and to hear him speak, "M-Mono?! MONO!" she yelled embracing her friend in a hug to only get one returned from him. And then they both just started crying, like babies. Just happy that either or was alive,well, and ok. "Mono/Six I-" They both said simultaneously "You first, you deserve it..." Six said 

"Ok... I- god WOW this is harder to say than I imagined.... Um...jesus..." mono said just trying to get his words together six laughing ever so slightly at her clumsy friend. "I-... I really like you six and if I had to give up a few years of my life alone again to stay with you for the rest.... so be it... I intend to keep my promise that I will never leave you... Cough* Ok that was a bit cheesy..." He said scratching his head "any chance I can try again?" 

"No need to" six stated "I just went through possible hell and high water to stay with you weather as friend or lovers..." she said while blushing  then began to tear up "I'm sorry... everything that has lead up to this point ,every time I hurt you, and every time I have refused to listen to your problems, and every time I have made you feel less than what you are because you have gone through enough... and all i hope is that I could be yours.... she said that last part getting too flusterd. But the thin man heard that part anyway but started teasing her about it a bit.

"Can you repeat that last part?"

"Which one" 

"The part where you doubted you weren't already my world." 

"S-Shut up asshole."

He let out a loud laugh and they both shared echo of laughter through out the hospital. 

"Well since we both technically just confessed..." six said "I get to do this!" she said grabbing a chair. "Do what?" asked mono To get his answer only when six climbed on top of it and kiss her now current boyfriend. "I-I-I... will say... I didn't expect that... But I definitely enjoyed it." 

"Good" said six "Cause now my fuzzy dressed up teddy bear" she said while grabbing his cheeks. "I'm gonna snuggle you to the end of time.....!" "Well... now it's my turn" said mono kicking the chair six was standing on away. "Mono what are you doi-WOAH!" She yelled bracing for impact only to land in mono's arms and into a kiss by him bringing  her face into his. 


six: incoherent gibberish* while face as read as a tomato 

"Heh love you too" he said while exiting the room only to almost slip on melted hot plastic.  

"Um.... Six?" 

"Yes mono?" she said emerging from her trance 

"What happened here?" 

"Let's just say a lot of  patients checked out of the hospital..." 

Mono now examined his now relaxed girlfriend to realize that she had hand indents on her neck. 



"Did you leave any left..." 

"Yeah just a few outside why?" 

Mono then put six down softly on her feet and went inside a nearby TV, to then return with a large battleaxe and he started walking to the dent six made in the wall with the mannequins and went outside. Six followed to now see the last few remaining ones did have a concious and were smart enough to run the opposite direction of the obviously pissed off thin man. Some made it far others did not... 

"And there go the other twenty two out of 84" six said chuckling a bit." 

Mono then soon returned and asked her something "Hey six..." 

"Yeah mono?"

"You wanna explore other worlds?" 

"Like that first one we went to?" 

"Y-Yeah!" he responded with obvious exitement "I mean look at us we practically conquered what is left here, N-Not to sound evil and all that.... but just to like explore, ya know enjoy life... maybe even find a better place than this..." 

"You know what... Your right!" She said with returning enthusiasm "M-Maybe we can find a better place, or home that can accept people like us and the people still normal can finally have their happy ending!" 

They both smiled at the thought but they both knew they weren't exactly prepared for that yet. 

"soon" they  both said to each other 

They then sat down and took a long gaze at the now full moon. 

six put her head on mono's shoulder and prepared to drift off to sleep but before she did she said one thing "Love you my knight in shining armor.." "Sweet dreams my fallen angel" returned mono

After hearing this she then drifted off into a deep relaxing sleep and finally in a world with nothing but nightmares...

She had a good dream...

Hey everyone that has cared well enough to read this story... It is in  my pride to say we have now finished part one of this book. 

Part one? 

Yeah.... lol ima be making a crossover series with my characters and others of the LN universe

Oh man this physically hurts for me to write that I have to now write this story as completed...

I really enjoyed writing this book for those who inspired me too and too all those who support me in the comments private or not 


Before I end this off I noticed some of you had asked if you could do art for me (No I'm not sayin names) But Yes you can just inform me about it, Let me see it in an art book, tell me when it's done so I may use it in a chapter or two. 

Also finally I have questions for y'all 

1. who ya favorite character and least favorite.

2. Favorite fluff chapter (Can be this one) and favorite Dark and evilish chapter 

3. Favorite hardship for either main characters (Example: The angered thin man, The mannequins, the hunter in his negotiation section.) 

4. Favorite insult of the series (You know you got one) 

5. Favorite chapter 

6. Worst chapter (Can be just as in evil kind of worse, or just a bad chapter)

7. Favorite little nightmare universe and it's owner (Such as sasstothemax's Sweet dreams or CindyVonOtaku's It was all a dream Fan-fic) 

8. What moment was the most relate-able in this story

9. And finally What can I do to improve this book out if obvious grammer errors I will attempt to fix those and maybe the story in the Far off future.

Now as much as it hurts to say this line it truely IS 


I'll see you in the next channel =)

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