2. The Lost Memories*

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Waking up, your eyes fluttered open the headache already setting in pushing your head between two imaginary walls. When you could look at your surroundings it definitely wasn't your room. It was dark with bookshelf's and to your left was the guy at the bar the night before. 'Oh god' you thought to yourself lifting up the sheets and too no surprise you were naked. How could you be so stupid! Slowly you slipped out from under the blankets to not wake what was his name St-Spencer?

You collected your clothing throwing them on quietly. Absolutely no talking of last nights events would be happening, it's not like you'd ever see him again so what's the fuss. Are you in DC or Virginia you didn't even know. Grabbing your phone you rushed out of the apartment and called Vanessa. "Hello? Where are you" she probed.

"I slept with him and I don't know what state I'm in wait DC isn't even a state- just help me please" you stammered looking at your surroundings.

The safe option would to just check your own location and calm an uber but it's more fun making yourself worried. It's not like this hadn't happened before one time you ended up in Georgia. "Call and Uber" Vanessa suggested.

"Ugh what's the fun in that can you just come get me"

"Fine but y/n you owe me twenty bucks"

"Yes I know and hurry". After you hung up you checked your snapchat location and to no surprises you were in DC. You have to stop doing this.

Everything that happened last night was blurry to you. Which was a bummer you kind of wished you remembered sleeping with Spencer because he did look good in bed. And you didn't get his number so there was no point on dwelling on the thought.

Finally she pulled up honking the horn to signal you to get in. You slipped into the buckling the seat belt. "Was he big?" wondered Vanessa.

"The shitty thing is I can't even fucking remember!" you groaned resting your head against the chair rest.

"You might've have the best sex of your life and you just FORGOT!"

It became more aggravating that your forgot what happened because you were so eager to know. Maybe it would come back to you or something but for now you had so much shit to do around your house and this would only distract you. "Yes I did"

"Enough about me did you have some sex last night?" you pried.

"Yes oh my god yes it was with this girl named Caylie and she was smoking hot. She had this auburn hair and phew- three times"

"Three TIMES"

"Yes y/n three times" she asserted a small smirk playing in her lips

"I really hope I can run into that guy again and this time not forget or else i'm going to overthink this whole thing which I never do it's just that he is so hot"

Once she dropped you off at your apartment you decided to continue decorating it because you had just moved in about a week ago. You liked the large windows in the living room along with the abstract painting your hung up, and for your personality you liked to keep things relatively clean because if not it would send you into a feud with yourself.

This apartment was bigger than you expected but your dads friend who was more like a father than he ever was granted you some money to help you settle in. His name is Brody and he was around a lot growing up while your dad was drunk. Your mother wasn't even in the picture so that left just you and him or Brody. Physically your dad never laid a hand on you but he did have a role in your fucked up mental health that was dying for some fixing.

Brushing off your thoughts you grabbed some all-purpose bleach cleaner and started in the kitchen making your way to the living room. Cleaning was therapeutic for you and helped calm your nerves for Monday. Maybe it was just your overthinking but you really felt like you wouldn't fit in there. Your a big risk taker and it can lead you to trouble. And what if everyone sees you as weird or not strong enough for the job? No they wouldn't do that.

The living room and kitchen surfaces were spotless to the last thing you really needed to do was go get groceries.

At the store you grabbed the necessary things like milk,butter,eggs,pasta,vodka and junk food. By the middle of the day you were in need for a long nap. Snuggling up on your couch you grabbed a blanket dripping it over your body and slipping into a peaceful sleep...well mostly.

The moment I entered his apartment my lips were in his. They moved passionately and hungry for each other as we made our way to the bedroom, never breaking the kiss. "Your so beautiful" Spencer mumbled into my mouth. I moaned in response ready to just get railed.
We made it to the bedroom as he kicked the door closed with his foot leaving us in the room only lit by the outside streetlights and moonlight shining through the curtains. Next thing I know i'm pushed onto the bed causing me to gasp at impact. Spencer made his way on top of me kissing down my neck sucking on my pulsing spot leaving hickeys in his wake.
"Fuck" I breathed rapidly undoing the buttons to his shit. I needed him in that moment.
Lifting up my dress he pulled down my underwear leaving me exposed and vulnerable to him. Slowly he slipped two of his fingers in pumping in and out of me hitting me g-spot everyti-

*Ring Ring Ring*

Groaning you sat up annoyed that you couldn't finish the dream, looking at the caller ID you saw that it was Aaron Hotchner the BAU unit chief. Quickly you grabbed your phone swiping to answer it frantically. "This is Y/n" you advised confidently.

"Hello Y/n this is Aaron Hotchner I just wanted to update you on the status of your application" his voice was stern and scary. A pit in your stomach formed scared that he would say you couldn't get the job anymore.

"That's no problem sir." you gulped.

"Good. I just wanted to inform you that we are all good for you showing up on Monday at 7:30 sharp"

"Oh yes okay thank you so much sir i'll be there"

"Good." just than he hung up the phone. You jumped up in excitement.

You danced around your apartment like a complete dork the people seeing you through your window sending you weird looks but who cares? "Y/n got the job!!!" you sang trailing around. "And Y/n needs some wine!"

You continued dancing over to your kitchen starting to play some music over your google home playing Friends by Chase Atlantic. It was one of your favorite songs like Vanessa had showed you. You grabbed a red wine glass from the cabinet and the bottle screwing off the cork and pouring yourself some.

Days like these made you forget about your past because in that moment you were happy, you had something to finally look forward to.
For the next thirty minutes it was field with blaring music and simply you dancing around your apartment.

Waltzing over to your closet you picked out something to wear for your first day. Even though it was only Saturday excitement filled your body. Because you didn't like business clothes you needed something to reflect you and be appropriate for the job. Deciding on a pit of high waisted plaid pants and a white button up you folded them up and placed them on your dresser like your first day of school.

White high top converse paired with the outfit so you placed them on the side. Heels were a no-go in your book, you'd like to not walk on nails the whole day not like you even owned a pair anyways.

Right now you didn't even think about Spencer but you wondered if that dream was what happened well at least some of it. Or it could just be your brain making up fake scenarios like when you can't sleep. Either way you wished your phone didn't ring.

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