15. The Closet*

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Of course the blaring sound of your phone ringing woke you up. Can't I get one peaceful day? You thought to yourself picking up the phone not checking the caller ID because you already knew it was Hotch or Penelope.


"I'm so sorry for waking you up my little sugar muffin but we have a case in Arizona so come into the office"

"It's okay Pen this is my job" you laughed dryly immediately regretting it from the dryness in your throat.

"And after this case we have some mandatory leave according to the director"

"Okay sweetness I'll see you soon. Bye"

"Bye unicorn sparkle dust" a beep came through your end signaling that she hung up.

"Unicorn sparkle dust?" you whispered to yourself while you dragged your body off the couch.

When you made it to your bathroom you turned in the shower to a nuke warm temperature to wash away last nights smell. Sex was always good with him but sometimes it felt guilty just leaving him like that. Instead of overthinking things you grabbed your peppermint body wash as it was nearly Christmas. Your birthday had already passed and the team threw you a surprise party at Rossi's house.

Penelope really wanted to do secret Santa this year and everyone agreed. You hoped to get JJ or Penelope and not one of the boys as you wouldn't know what to get them. And Emily would be easy too because she was kind of like you in some ways. Spencer said he loved the smell of your body wash so you decided to use it more often than your regular dove one.

Once you finished you wrapped your body in a clean white towel and picked out some work clothes. A black blouse with matching work slacks and converse. This was a bit more dressy than you'd normally wear but it's okay.

It didn't take long to finish getting ready. Afterwords you grabbed your keys and got into your car. You pulled out your phone to text Spencer

Want a ride to work?

That's okay. I'm gonna take the metro.


You weren't hurt he didn't want a ride he lived in the complete opposite direction from you, and Quantico. So, you began the journey to headquarters only stopping to grab some coffee on the way.

What if he's mad at me?
Is he seeing another girl?
Does he not like me anymore?
Am I bad at sex?

"Damn it" you muttered under your breath. It's just a car ride not anything serious y/n. You took a deep breath and pulled into your reserved parking spot next to Morgan, who was already here.

You plopped down in a seat next to Spencer who gave you a smile and wave. Okay so he is not mad, good to know. Penelope waltzed into the room with her remote and files, passing Spencer a paper copy while you opened your tablet.

"Okay so five men have been murdered in the Scottsdale, Arizona. All of which had blunt force trauma to the head and their-" she winced before continuing, "-hands cut of pre-mortem. As fas as the local police and me can tell there is absolutely no connection to the victims. They were all dumped at a landfill" she finished pulling up all the photos in the big monitor.

Everyone contributed ideas and theories to the group before Hotch said "wheels up in thirty". Spencers eyes burned in the back of your head while you grabbed your go-bag and phone charger.

"Do you need something Dr.Reid?"

He didn't respond he just grabbed your wrist an pulled you into an empty janitors closet. "Yes I do actually" he says pushing you against the now closed door. "Which would be?"

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