34. The Killing

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Warning: Slight mention of self harm and panic attacks⚠️

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Warning: Slight mention of self harm and panic attacks⚠️

{This is the longest chapter i've ever written so prepare and I forgot Brodys last name so pretend 🕺🏼😁}

*Spencer Pov*

"So far we still don't know what she is hiding correct?" I clarified. I didn't want to believe she was hiding something, and ,maybe she wasn't and our judgement is just off. We know about the money- the house- and the pregnancy. There is nothing left.

"Correct boy genius- but we also know that Brody is really good at holding grudges as boss man said. I know i'm not a profiler but what if he did a big favor that wasn't very legal- now he is scared she is gonna reveal it" Penelope isn't a profiler but she can be a huge help. After all these years of working with us i'm not surprised she was able to pick up on a few skills.

Hotch tapped him pen against the table next to the manila case file. "Garcia that's a good idea" he finally said.

I hoped she was still safe in my bed, smelling in my scent while i'm gone trying to protect her from afar. Only men can imagine being with their loves all the time. She should be here, helping us right now. Not benched onto the sidelines when this is all about her. Suddenly an idea popped into my head.

"What if his stressor was Richard going to prison for fraud. Y/n could have been the one to tip of the police. He is Brodys' best friend, and this could be something in the works for years, since she was 17 or 18"

It made sense. If that's the reason why Brody is after her things fall into place. Obviously he would have to have a partner or someone used against their will for the photo sent to us along with the recording. This could be the end.

"Reid is right, if I was in a long term relationship-" Prentiss paused, "- what if Brody and Richard were lovers?"

Nearly all of us choked on our own spot at her words. Why would he want to be lovers with Richard- a raging alcoholic. Not that people don't have relationships, it's just not good for recovery. Y/n never mentioned her dad getting help after she left for college because that's when he was arrested. Unless the state ordered him mandatory rehab than this would be taking place her whole life.

"That would mean her whole life her dad was having an affair with his best friend" I say unconvinced at Emily's pitch.

"Wouldn't that make more reason for him to be mad at her? Sending his lover to jail. Eliza could've found out about the affair and that's why she really left after Noah died. It all became to much" Emily continued on making a little bit more sense this time than before.

Part of me didn't want to admit she was right as it would just hurt Y/n more. Her family has done enough shit and for this to come out would be harsh on her. On the other hand she could reconnect with her mother and finally have some closure to her childhood. Some things she told me about made me think of her mother as the bad guy, like the religion aspect.

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