6. The Roof

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^Thats the fit you can imagine something different if it's not your style!

When Saturday rolled around Derek tried to convince the team to go for drinks but you declined as Spencer said his little tour would take up the whole day. Honestly you were so excited for today so you chose a pair of black jeans and a black long sleeve tucked in with a belt ending with a gold bundle along with a brown jacket and doc martens.

Yes it was simple but running around all day made you not want to dress up that much. It was a chilly day in October, the temperature chilly but not to cold, and the leaves turning brown and soon crumpling on the pavement.

Fall was your favorite season not just because of halloween but the weather was perfect for everything like pumpkin patches, walking around the city, or sitting outside and trying a latte. From how Spencer acted around the office being decorated for halloween you could only assume he carried the same excitement.

You let your hair flow naturally on your shoulders. For makeup you applied a light face with concealer, mascara and lipgloss to not feel to dressed up. Typically you would opt for just mascara but this week has took a toll on your sleep creating rather prominent eye bags weighing down your face. By the time you were finished it was 10:50. Perfect ten minutes before he gets here.

Vanessa gave you some advice in case it gets awkward. Usually you only talk to me for about twenty minutes not the whole day so you were grateful she helped although you knew that you could spike a conversation yourself if needed.

Just as the ten minutes were up a soft knock appeared at your door, you yelled 'coming!' before grabbing your purse with your gun because well, humanity, and your phone. When you open the door you saw Spencer standing with his hands pushed deep into his pockets. His was dressed more casually in a pair of jeans with a caltech sweatshirt along with some beat up white converse. The mop on his head called hair fell perfectly in the center because of the middle part.

"Hey" he says smiling. God his smile was so heart warming.


"We should get going I know this cafe that I really think you'll enjoy" he stuttered out.

"Lead the way than genius" you teased motioning him to walk while you locked your door.

When you made it to his car he opened up the door for you before he got in. No man had ever done this for you, little things like that always send butterflies to your stomach. "Thank you" you acknowledged the kind gesture. A small blush creep up in his cheeks.

"So Spencer..." you say breaking the silence lingering in the car. "Hm?"

"I know your a genius so we're did you go to school?" you were generally curious about it. You figured he went to some ivy league school.

"I went to Caltech and MIT" well that explained the sweatshirt you planned on taking one way or another. You just went to Georgia. Although it's not a fancy school you still didn't want to be in debt the rest of your life so you worked hard through high school to go to college and escape your home town.

"Impressive" you giggled.

"What about you? You haven't told the team a whole lot where did the amazing Y/n go?"

"Mine is not as cool just the University of Georgia. Just wanted to escape my 'family'"you used air quotations to bring your point across which he caught onto. "But I wouldn't have it any other way because now i'm here, happy"

"I was in the same boat mostly" he mumbled the air conditioning blocking out most of his voice. You both to turned to each other for a quick second before turning away.

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