30. The Makeup*

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Spencer was all you could think about

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Spencer was all you could think about. About you would apologize that was pointless, showing how mad he was at you. Ever since the interrogation no one has came into the room. One thing you knew is that at least two people from the team were on the other side of the glass notating and analyzing every single answer that rolled of your tongue. Small sobs came here and there but for the most part you suppressed them down like all of your feelings. Scared that your family, as in Spencer, would treat you like a child. You know you need help and maybe it time to get it. This decision was impulsive, and look where you ended up.

Most times you think about getting high and fading away all of your problems, allowing your brain to become fuzzy and noncoherent. Some may say that it is not smart to rely on intoxication to push away your problems; to you it let you be free for just a few hours. Spencer always says you can talk to him, but when you look into his eyes you can't bring yourself to do it. Now that's no excuse for not telling him about Vanessa and Sweden, though you can see how it makes it slightly better. Than again in your head you made up fake scenarios in which he would be less mad at you.

Suddenly a creak at the door made your head return from its gaze at your feet, it was Spencer.

"Your free to go" this time his voice was softer and more caring as he saw the dried tears against your bright red skin. "Thanks Spencer" you smiled half-heartedly trying to convince and even yourself a little bit. He nodded his head and walked out the room before you got up from the chair, your legs immediately feeling like jello.

Taking a deep breath, you slowly walked over to the door swinging it open to the stale hallway. Shivers were sent up your spine, everything felt like it was moving in slow motion: your feet stuck to the ground, the gravity feeling heavier than before making you want to buckle your knees. Instead you continued the walk taking deep and shaky breaths. You were more nervous to face the team again than when you were arrested. Mainly Spencer. Penelope came into your view with her hard to miss bright colored clothing.

"OMG Y/n! Are you okay? Please tell me your okay-" she pulled you in for a hug while your hands awkwardly floated to the sides of her waist not sure on what was happening. Things didn't feel real, the ground, Penelope, hell the air didn't feel real. "I uh-" you cleared your throat, "I'm fine"

"Thank the heavens! Peanut I was so worried about you. We all were" Penny explained in a high pitched voice she used when she was extra worried, only used when a member was in danger. In spite of her being right in front of you her voice was echoing around. Sudden reality hit when you remembered Brody and Vanessa are still on the loose. "Garcia g-get Hotch pl-please"

"Ok sure! I will be right back" she squealed running away with the small sounds of her shoes clacking against the floor. "What is going on with me?" you muttered to yourself.

Soon enough Hotchs' large figure stood in front of you, "You needed me Y/n/n" he spoke softly.

You nodded your head.

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