10. The High

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When you got back to your apartment you set down the brown paper bag carefully on the counter. Since you knew that you couldn't  really shower because you would just get sweaty again, you opted to change into a pair of comfy cotton shorts and FBI sweatshirt. Vanessa said she would be here soon, the sun peaking through the curtains as the sun set down behind the large city buildings.

It was only around fifteen minutes before a knock at your door shot through your apartment. You rushed over to it flinging open the door to see Vanessa in her scrubs with a box of brownies. "Hey hoe!" she pushed herself passed you setting the box in the counter next to the wine. "What kind of wine did you get?"

"White your favorite" you say pulling the two bottle out. "Thank god I didn't want red" she imitated a gagging motion. "I would never"

"Okay so tell me all about this hunk Spencer details and everything" Vanessa pried grabbing two glasses from your cabinet.

"Sooo..." you told her almost every single detail from the bullpen interaction all the way to the hot sex that happened when you got back. It was the best you'd ever had in your entire life and you hoped it would continue to happen over and over again because he was so addictive like you couldn't get enough. Seeing him everyday is beginning to not be enough you need to feel him.

"That's not fair I jinxed myself after Emma" she pouted taking a bite of the edible and passing the rest to you. Hesitantly you ate it and continued to talk with her.

"How is work going V?"

"Good it's definitely not how they explain it during school. Being with real patients is a lot more nerve racking and with my other job it's so busy. Sorry we haven't been talking"

"Hey! It's okay we are both busy but with our lives. I'm so happy we both got out of our hell holes."

"That's very true. But I have to tell you about my co-worker her name is Hannah"

"Oh she's a nurse? Why didn't you tell me about a Hannah earlier" Vanessa expression dropped at your question, clearing her throat. "I mean her name is Heather i've been mixing people up lately"

"Makes sense we are both exhausted all the time no worries" you reassured sipping on the bitter wine coating your mouth, the taste lingering on your tongue. "What about you other than Spencer how are you really liking the BAU?"

"I love it there they really made me feel welcome."

Her smile reappeared over her face, "Thats so exciting! I wish I could've had the guts to join the FBI but I couldn't even if I wanted to"

This is when the high really started to hit you out of no where. When you eat edibles it's not like smoking it all hits you at once mostly, and these seemed strong. "Why is that?"

"Dunno just too risky" she shrugged. You could understand where she was coming from. Going around and facing psychopaths isn't exactly safe in anyway shape or for, but the adrenaline that come with it help. Also seeing people reunited with their loved ones, the one case you worked you saw that and it was a feeling that made your heart swell. "Yeah I guess so" you giggled, "but when your in a stakeout it's not as bad as you think. You just focused on saving the victim"

"That's how it is in the hospital during codes"

"Let's dance" you say suddenly grabbing her and pulling her off the couch leading over to the kitchen. You climbed up on the island and starting some Taylor Swift like in high school.

The tunes flowed with your moves over the marble countertop while you spun Vanessa in a circle nearly losing your own balance until she caught you by the waist keeping you steady. You missed doing this before Virginia you used to do this in your college dorm with her. She seemed to be enjoying it two, giggling away and singing along to 'Love Story'.

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