12. The Dinner*

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Today was Friday night. Spencer told you to come over at six and you didn't have to dress up. Originally you were supposed to dress up and wait for him but change of plans. So you grabbed a pair of sweatpants with a target graphic t-shirt with your hair thrown up. Underneath you put on a dark purple lace set for him just in case things escalated.

Your not sure what he had planned specifically but you were excited to see him again. Yes, you see him at work but the last time you hung out was two weeks ago. Once you were satisfied with your light makeup you grabbed your keys and made your way down to the car. There was a small note on your windshield, you grabbed it and threw the envelope in the back probably just some stupid marketing company.

Traffic wasn't bad weirdly enough you made it there slightly early with five minutes to spare. Any normal person would just go up there early but what if he is not ready? Five minutes is a reasonable amount of time to be early right? It's fine just go up there and knock on the door. Reluctantly you grabbed your purse and walked into the apartment building. It was older, subconsciously you looked around even though you've already been here twice it just seemed normal. With each step the wooden stairs cracked underneath your foot causing you to stop every so often like someone would hear you.

Finally you made it to his door right at six so you put your fist up to the door knocking twice. Nerves started to set in, this wasn't very normal for you but Spencer does something to you that you couldn't explain. You really liked him and the last time you liked a man it didn't go so well. Commitment wasn't really your thing after your last relationship. Andrew fucked you up i'm so many ways, he reminded you of your dad and it took you so long to leave. But when he cheated it was the last straw, you tried to turn a blind eye but the feeling lingered on your skin making it craw.

The wooden door flew open to see Spencer with the most beautiful smile that seemed to light up the dark hallway. "Hello gorgeous"

"Hey Spence" you smiled walking into the door. When you looked at the kitchen there was a bunch of stuff laid out in the counter ready to be cut or cooked. "What's all this?" of course you knew the answer but you wanted to hear it from him.

"I'm going to try and cook for you" he was picking at his finger nails out of nervousness. You walked over to him wrapping your arms around his slim, toned body tightly savoring the smell of his cologne and detergent. "Thank you" you breathed. His hands locked behind your back while he planted a kiss on your forehead. Sadly you couldn't remember the last time someone cooked for you, years have passed.

You slowly pulled away turning to see everything, his arms still locked around your stomach with his head resting on your head. "So what is the genius cooking tonight?"

"Well...I thought about it and you have to wait to see" Spencer smirk unwrapping his arms from you, his touch burning through your skin.

"Do you need help I love cooking!" your face lit up like a kid on Christmas. You may not cook for self but doing it with someone else it much more fun.

Spencer saw her face light up when she asked to help cook, he couldn't say no and he really didn't know how so some help wouldn't help. Her smile lit up the room and it was genuine and made his body heat up. To Spencer she was the most beautiful girl in the world. He didn't need to know her for long to know they could be something.

Meave broke him and for the first time he felt happy to. Y/n and her past didn't define her and that's what Spencer admired the most. He planned telling her about his but he was scared to scare her off. "Spence our starring" she giggled skipping into the kitchen.

Spencer cleared his throat, "Sorry...it- it's just that your so amazing" he choked out, comfort laced his voice while he looked into her twinkling eyes, her pupils dilated while she opened her mouth to answer, "I could say the same about you" it wasn't a joking tone she was dead serious and Spencer was so glad Y/n saw him the day way.

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