7. The Broken Angels

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You stared at the ticking clock that laid in your bedside table, the red light illuminates your face while you watch to seconds tic. After the roof Spencer went home, part of you wanted him to stay so that you could talk to him more. He was truly a great person to have a conversation with, his voice was soft and his eyes lit up when he had a fact about the topic. Even if you had no clue what he was talking about just listening to his voice was therapeutic.

Brody hadn't texted you, he said he had business in Germany. You didn't question it because he was there a lot for work a lot so you opted to let him be for the period of time. Work started at 7:30am and yet you continued to push down your tiredness when if it was 4am. Sleep was what you needed but Spencer and his mixed signals occupied your mind. One second he's saying things shouldn't effect work, next he's saying 'good girl' and showing you around.

Finally you slipped into a not so peaceful sleep as usual.

The sound of your alarm blared in your ears forcing your body awake only two hours later giving you an hour to get ready. Hotch hadn't mentioned a case today so a paper load day. Honestly you liked them a bit more when you got burned out. For work you just threw on a pair of dark wash jeans with a dark purple blouse leaving two buttons undone. Slipping in your converse you continued your regular morning routines before making your way out of the door.

You listened to Halsey while tapping your finger against the cold leather steering wheel. She was one of your favorite artist since high school, completely irreplaceable. Shortly lasted you arrived at the headquarters swooning with agents trying to get to work on time.

You dragged your feet towards the elevator forcing your body to hold up its own weight. For some reason the two hours of sleep seemed to make you just more tired than when you were awake. Your were excited to see Reid today maybe to talk about these signals he was giving, desperately needing an answer for your overthinking brain.

There he was sitting peacefully at his desk reading over an old case file deeply like he was trying to really find something. "Hey Spence" you smoke softly leaning against his desk to announce your presence.

"Hey y/n! Did you sleep well?" he shut the file quickly.

"Yeah" you lied running your hands through your hair. "Do you think maybe we can talk later?"

"Sure- wait are you okay?"

"I am just have a few questions" you smiled ruffling his hair before sitting down in your own chair in front of him. You couldn't help but notice his perfectly shaped button nose that fit his face oddly well. "So we are checking each other out now?" he teased.

"No...just studying your facial features" his head popped up at the statement, his cheeks growing honey crisp red just like the delicious apple.

"What was that file about?" you asked.

"Nothing just a cold case we have been going over for a few years" Spencer told you. You hummed in response. Part of you wanted to look over it but you decided against it since he obviously shut it fast, probably something he didn't want you to see until used to the job.

There was a five inch thick stack of files on your desk to sort through and fill out. Most just cases you helped during college for experience, others BAU paperwork. Since you'd only been on one case with the team you had finished that paperwork a last week.

One in particular caught your eyes. It was a case that the FBI reached out for some fresh eyes, the case was extremely difficult. There was a very thin file for it as they didn't have much information on a hit man group called Broken Angels. You decided to look over it again to see if you could magically pick something out. Your finger ran across the reports of the victims mostly men with a record of abuse and sexual assault. All the FBI had was a single member who came forward but before any information could really get out he was murdered. They assumed it was a group member getting revenge for betraying the organization. One thing you knew for a fact was this wasn't a small group there were at least hundreds of members scattered across the world.

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