11. The Tattoo

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"There is more deaths caused by vending machines each year rather than robots vacuums " he insisted attempting to throw a nut into his mouth but missing completely.

You continued to look through the scope your finger moving on and off the trigger every so often. "And I thinks that's complete bull robots are scary I will never trust them so no I will not be getting a stupid automatic vacuum cleaner"

"Your seriously scared of vacuum cleaners?"

"Spence your scared of the dark which is ironic because you are sitting in it. Why are you even scared"

"The absence of light gets me" Spencer teased trying yet again to throw another peanut. To pass time you decided to talk about your most unusual fears. At first you thought that being afraid of the dark was normal until a a 35 year old man was. Nothing against people who are it's just weird.

You opened your mouth signaling him to feed you and his obliged pouring a few pieces into your mouth. Laying on your stomach in the same position for three hours isn't your ideal choice.

You may be wondering how you ended laying down on your stomach in an empty hotel room looking out of a sniper while Spencer sat crisscross applesauce eating peanuts next to you well it's a long story.


The team threw on vest on the way over to the command center, your side affects already drifting away. "L/n try to start and open line of communication" Hotch says pulling out a old landline that would only connect to the banks phone. You nodded your head writing down any extra information he gives you. "Reid stay here while we scope out the area" he added.

"Well y/n I have a question about when I called you" your body tensed slightly while you tried to cover it up as shivering in the 85° night. "Why weren't you home?"

You didn't feel like lying, "I was with Vanessa at home I had some wine to drink that's why"

"I see your okay? Do you need some coffee, water, watermelon juice!?"

"Thanks Spence i'm okay now" you smiled hard  thinking to yourself what you did to have an amazing man immerse into your fuck up life. "Okay well let me know because we are gonna be here for a while" he sighed propping his legs on the table pulling out a small tin of peanuts.

"Do you carry around peanuts everywhere?" you mused finally getting the old phone to work. It was a piece of crap that hadn't been used in years probably.

"N-no well actually, these are walnuts to bust my serotonin. Did you know that eggs, and pineapple can bust the average adults serotonin levels by %7.8. That doesn't count getting the enough mount of sunlight as well. Oh- I didn't mean to ramble you probably already knew that i'm so-"

"That's really cool, I didn't know that spence! I'll have to grab some on my way home." his sad expression turned into a smile his tongue poking out the corner of his lip. A light blush attacking his face while he rubbed the back of his neck. "Can I have some of those?" you asked pointing to the container.

"Yes o-yes take some" he put it out for you to grab some. For a germaphobe you were surprised he did that. "I thought you didn't like germs"

"Well i've literally been inside of you so" he mumbled turning his gaze to the sky while you grabbed some.

"Spencer Reid you naughty boy" you said lightly smacking his hand. His contagious laughter filling your ears bringing much needed joy.

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