23. The Welcome

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Flights were supposed to be normal to you now, you do fly nearly three times a week just for work. But something about this was off that you couldn't put your finger on. Twelve out of the thirteen hours in, including one stop for refueling and you inched closer to the land of your hidden past. Well not really hidden but no one knew you were born here and had this heritage. You weren't sure what Spencer was thinking right now. Did he wonder where you were?

Technically you guys didn't have a label on anything but you really just up and left without saying anything to anyone and it made you feel so guilty.

Welcome home... Annalise Warren.

*Spencer Pov*

I couldn't stop thinking about Y/n. She had been at the hospital for nearly 24 hours at this point. As I paced around the room I also thought about that text she sent me. How could she just do that? We had a plan and we were fine a day ago while writing those notes. Things didn't add up, she is acting the same way as when she first found out about Vanessa. I texted her that paragraph I asked to let me help her.

But she wouldn't do this kind of thing. She wouldn't just stop texting me and say to not look for her. I love her and she loves me.

Well does she really love me?

Of course she does. I can feel her hair on my neck, her kisses along my jaw. Effortless conversation that used to flow between us. Yet that night we got into the fight out of no where after Vanessa was turned in, some type of evil...no fear flashed my beautiful Y/ns eyes.

It doesn't take a profiler to see that. Reluctantly I pulled out my phone to read the same text that was already imprinted in my mind that she sent me.

I'm leaving for the week. I love you so much and please don't come looking for me I'll be back soon.

She doesn't talk like that. Everyone in the team knows it to. Usually her texts are upbeat and happy but this was cold. I'm no man to read tone through text but with other context clues it was falling together. Whenever I said I would help her she never denied something be hung wrong but my judgment was too clouded by our sex that night to see the real demons.

Snooping in on her life would be wrong but I would like to know where she is at least. So I called the only person I knew to do it. Penelope. I clicked her contact and listened to the ringing burning in my ear.

"Welcome to the kingdom of all knowledge spoke and be heard" her peppy voice answered in the other end immediately lightening the mood.

"Hey Penny" I whispered. I heard a gasp on her end.

"My handsome boy wonder what is wrong" concern laced in her voice.

"Y/n she le-left I need you to track her phone. She sent me this text that said 'I'm leaving for the week. I love you so much and please don't come looking for me I'll be back soon.'"

"Oh my- yes okay lookin now..."

"Thank you" I breathed.

Clicking from her end from her nails hitting the keyboard before she answered, "She is at home currently but her phone is turned off- oh..."

"Garcia what is it."

"Vanessa she- she died from a abdominal bleed a thirteen hours ago. After that she went home and i'm guessing that's when she turned off her phone. I'm sorry but please go check on her for me"

"I will- bye Penelope". I hung up and threw on a pair of slippers I found. Driving wasn't my favorite but right now I needed to make sure she is okay.

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