5. The Mission

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Alcohol and sweat was the only smell irrupting from this place along with something sweet you couldn't put your finger on. There was plenty of singles, just before you left the team piled together an underdeveloped profile to help you out. Male, attractive, in his thirties, may look lanky but is buff. Really it just described Spencer. No help at all. Most men in this club would fit the profile. Hotch also said he would try and bring you home quickly like something was waiting and well it was death.

The bartender was informed of the situation and was ordered to only serve you water shots, than you could act tipsy so the unsub would approach you. "Hey can I get two shots of vodka?" you asked her she nodded and started filling two shot glasses with water.

Already you felt someone staring at you already. Dang you knew you were hit but that's a bit obsessive. You could only assume it was the unsub or another drunk douche bag waiting to take a girl home.

You downed both 'shots' making sure to be vigilant of your surroundings. You already went through the plan, seduce him, get him to say something and slip up, when ready excuse yourself to the bathroom and get ready to move in. For what Hotch was telling you this plan should work. Men are absolutely disgusting, most of them leaving a bad taste in your tongue, well most expect Spencer.

This is your time to do it, you walked over to the potential suspect sliding into a bar stool causally. "Hey pretty lady" yikes.

"Hey you" you smirked turning to face him. His eyes were dark and full of lust. Anyone who didn't really know what he was capable off would easily walk off with him. It was sad how many girls get taken advantage of

"What are you doing here alone?"

"Just need some distressing after work y'know" you breathed. Body seemed to stiffen when you talked about work.

"Who do you work for?" okay so this man obviously has a problem with female authority figures so you needed a job that people don't appreciate enough. "I'm a teacher at a local elementary school".

Again he relaxed into the chair taking a sip of his burden. "You seem to smart to be a teacher" he shrugged. Is he seriously calling people who are teachers dumb, this guy can't get any worse. "Well that's what my dad wanted me to be so I listened".

A large smirk appeared across his face, now you need to get something out of him.

"So what about you? Why are you here alone"

"My girlfriend well she was my girlfriend passed so I needed to get it off my mind"

"I'm sorry to hear that. How long ago did she pass?"

"About a week ago...she looked a look like you" he grumbled the sudden lust in his eyes turned to darkness. He didn't scare you one bit. Hotch said you were doing great through he ear piece motivating you to get more information.

"Really how so" you pried.

He cleared his throat before answering, "she had your hair, she was also a teacher." lucky guess than.

Your ear pierce went off in your ear with Spencer talking, "Get his name y/n"

You obliged and asked. "So what's your name?"

"Uh it's Brian- Brian Smith"

"What a nice name" you smiled. But it was really the most alpha male never ever.

Another voice came through the microphone sounding like Morgan, "Garcia looked this guy up his girlfriends name was Chloe Smart who sheared on him. The next day after he found out she turned up dead. I'm surprised no one saw him as a suspect".

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