33. The Lead

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*Spencer Pov*

When me and Y/n got finished telling the team about our relationship my phone rang along with the others. I knew that when Y/ns phone didn't ring that is was about Brody. Either he came back to the states or sent us something.

No one could tell by the tone of Strauss' voice as it was stern and usual. She didn't say much about what was really send in. Me and Emily exchanged glances- a silent communication that this was bad. Suddenly I feel mad.

Mad for having to keep Y/n out of this investigation when she could be helping. Right now she is the lead to Brody. However all it would do is put her in danger. After I brought up the fact that Y/n is hiding something more bout her father, JJ and Morgan dismissed the idea because of their background together and how she went far away from home.

Perhaps it's just my brains way of telling me to back off in a way. That even Y/n said it herself, sometimes she isn't ready to tell me everything. Besides I need to learn to respect boundaries- people say I have a hard time doing that which makes me feel kind of sad. Whatever the outcome of this is though and whatever I find out about Y/n I promised myself not to get mad because secrets are kept for a reason: that's what I learned when Emily faked her death.

Hotch motioned for us to follow him into Rossis house. "We need to leave now apparently Brody is in the states but he hasn't sent anything in. If we move Y/n it will make things more suspicious- so keep her at her apartment" my stomach turned the thought of her being alone while being hunted. Obviously she wronged Brody in some way; still unclear how though.

"Guys I think that the reason Y/n is being hunted by him is because of something with the past- or maybe even recent. Nothing was wrong until she got arrested in Sweden, for some reason he is scared of something she has." I prompted. There would be no logical reason from him to take it this far. She could even be in a sort of debt to him.

"Spence is right. We didn't profile Brody as this risky. Why would he come all the way to the states when he knows that law enforcement is looking for him. Y/n is holding something back about him and her father. Going after a federal agent is harder than your typical low risk victims" Emily agreed.

"But we already knew that. He isn't going after some random persons for fun. Lets go over this again" JJ says her voice laced with annoyance. If she doesn't want to work this case than Jennifer can leave no need to be rude.

"We know that Y/n getting arrested was the trigger and his stressor is unknown. Not only was he worried about y/n being caught but he is working with her father to get revenge. Which means whatever she walked into was really a trap. But she is also holding more secrets" Morgan explained while Penelope and Hotch observed to conversation.

Nothing was sticking with me. Each word goes in one ear and out the other. I refuse to believe that Y/n was really involved with criminal activity. I knew that she wouldn't really do that it's not like her.

Finally Hotch agreed to go into the office tonight but not to let anyone know what we are doing. I walked back outside to let Y/n know.

"Hey we have to go into the office i'm going to drive you home first" I said softly not to startle her.

"Is it about Brody?" she asked, brows furrowed creating a crease on her forehead when she's concerned. Honestly it was quite cute to me.

"No it's not but you need to rest" I lied. I knew that she would see right threw me. Thankfully she didn't ask any questions and just nodded her head, grabbing my hand to help herself up.

My arm laced with her perfectly as always. A small smile tugged my lips while she rest her head on my shoulder with a deep sigh. Our skin touching against each other enough to convey the love shared between us. I'm ready for this to be over so I can make her my forever with the label and all the string attached
because I wouldn't leave even if it killed me.

"What are you thinking about?" her soft angelic voice forcing my face to look at her.

"Nothing i'm just glad your with me" I practically whispered hoping it would be loud enough for her to hear. Tonight reminded me of the night on the roof- this time all the same feelings hitting me once all over again. Feelings of love and longing. "and we need to get you home before you fall asleep on me"

"can we go to your house? I feel safer there" she asked almost scared that I would no. I want her to feel safe. Safe in my arms, my house, even just my presence.

"Yes of course" I smiled pressing my lips to her forehead trying to express my sorry for leaving this time of night. There would be five locks on my door for her to stay protected though I wished that we could send agents just to make sure. Y/n is strong and could protect herself, but my duty was to make sure she didn't have to do that anymore.

Both of us slid into the car while I buckled her seatbelt over the limp sleeping body next to me. A piece of black hair falling in front of her face causing me to brush it behind her ear before I could stop myself. She just looked so peaceful and free from worries. Soft lips, big eyes, her nose, perfection.

Some may say that no one is perfect but she is. Even what she is insecure about makes her more glorious in my eyes like the only woman to exists in this day and age.

Sadly I had to tare my gaze away and start driving off to my house. I tried to drive slower than usual so I could have more time simply being with her. My hands burned against the steering wheel with anticipation about Brody.

By the time we got back to the apartment Y/n had slowly woken up with the holt of my car. "Are we here?" she asked not even opening her eyes making me chuckle.

"Yes darling" she hummed in response seemingly going back to sleep. I got out and made my way over to her side of the car, opening up the door and scooping her up bridal style. Her hands latched around my neck for support as I made my way up the stairs of my older building.

I fumbled with my keys before unlocking the door and pushing it shut with my foot quietly not to wake Y/n. Gently, I placed her on my bed while I grabbed a change of clothes for her. Slowly I changed her into a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt of mine.

By the bedside table I left a loaded gun just to be safe if someone did get in she could us it. Than I grabbed my own things and headed out the door to the BAU.

"Alright so last seen location was Empire city" Penelope explained to the team clicking the TV remote to show images of Brody caught on camera. "He was also found near Y/ns apartment surprisingly early tonight but she wasn't there obviously- she was with us her wonderful humans" things just weren't adding up and it was annoying the hell out of me. One second he doesn't be that risky and the next he does.

What is he so scared of her revealing?
I started a new fic if y'all wanna read the description but I'm going to post all the chapters at once when it is done. It's will be around 10 chapters+epilogue

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