17. The Persona

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I'm fully german so if these swedish words are kinda sus tell google translate not me

"Wh- Y/n we can't fake my death" Vanessa laughed with no humor. Your face didn't change you were completely serious.

"So you'd rather rot in jail or go home to Sweden?" you tilted our head to the side. Sweden has become a lost memory among the both of you. Growing up both of your families came from there. Logically get her out of the country could be the best option but it's not going to be easy.

She took a deep breath and ran her hands down her soft skin."How can I trust you. C'mon you work for the FBI"

"Do you think that I would come and smash your phone along with turn on my only family"

"No" her voice was barely above a whisper.

"That's what I thought"

"How are we even going to do this- I get you have connections but faking a criminals death...that's crazy."

"Brody" you said quickly. He had connections all throughout the world and could easily make a fake identity for the both of you. Sadness pinged in your heart when you realize you wouldn't see Spencer for a while. When you get back you can tell him you were just visiting family and finally confess your true feelings. Thats if everything goes as planned.

"Baby you have a job you can't leave like that. What happens if mormor sees your back."

"Because i'm not going as Y/n. And i'm changing my appearance. I'm not going to let you rot in a federal prison"

"I love you" she gulped pulling you in for a hug.

You enveloped her in a tight embrace, your nose suffocating with her rose perfume. Vanessa is your lifeline you would take a billet for her with no hesitation. This is the least you can do. Who cares if your grandma sees you back home. You haven't been in 15 years she is probably dead, she never liked you much anyways. "I love you too" you muttered out into the crook of her neck.

"So you would come with me?"

"Just for the first week so people at work don't get suspicious. Brody sends me money so i'll pay for your apartment" you say lacing your fingers with hers.

"We have to change our appearance"

"I know i'm going to call Brody than we are going to dye our hair and i'm going to cut mine"

"Okay I'll be here" Vanessa teases sighing lightly and pushing herself farther down ito the couch.

You were extremely nervous for this. If they Bureau found out you would be fired and you worked so hard for this job. This wasn't how you wanted to spend the next week but you already had an excuse for Hotch in place of your absence. Since you car was still there you are going to say it had some issues and you planned on fixing it in the morning. Grabbing your phone, you made your way over to the kitchen to start some tea and create your fake persona.

Names is something you were always good at coming up with but in this moment your brain balled into a million threads mixed together. Maybe it was nerves or just pure fear but your already set on doing this, there is no going back and giving Vanessa false hope. "What do you think of Annalise Warren?" you asked her while placing the kettle on the stove.

"I like it! Okay so for me what about Lydia Anderson?"

"Perfect!" we are having way to much fun with this. "How is your Swedish?"

"Pristine, what about you Y/n?"

"Same we should be good. I know I won't be there long but you need to be careful"

"I will. Who tipped me off anyways?"

"Not sure Garcia said it was anonymous" you shrugged. Hopefully you could find out who for her.

Some twisted part of you hoped that whoever gave a tip to the FBI gets what they deserve. Death should never be wished in anyone but you hoped that this person gets the karma right for them because this mess wouldn't be happening. Honestly no one is forcing you to do this but it's what is right. Faking someone's death wasn't in your bucket list of life, well nether was your best friend being a serial killer. Sweden was your home until you turned ten so you weren't worried about that.

Just as your thoughts began to pull you into a further trace of nothingness a wheezing sound came from the kettle. You turned of the stove and grabbed two mugs placing tea bags into them. Steam radiated off the water while you poured it into the glass creating a warm and dewy feeling against your skin.

"What happened with Spencer? Didn't you guys have a agreement or something-"

"I broke it off."


"He's the one person I think I can't lie too" you explain walking back over to the couch.

"y/n/n are you sure your willing to possibly loose him over me"

The words stung. You didn't want to leave Spencer, if anything you wanted to be in his arms right now, embraced in his blanket of safety. A overwhelming amount of comfort comes with being with Spencer. All you wanted to do is tell him everything and apologize for yelling at him. Tell him that you want to be with him and you were just scared but your sure this time. None of this you had the guts to say to him but when you get back you will- well minus faking Vanessas death and your Swedish background part.

I desire the things
that will destroy me
in the end.

-Sylvia Path

Vanessa placed her hand in your shoulder making you flinch slightly. Immediately she retracted her hand with a shocked face.

"Are you scared of me?" she whispered backing away from you.

"No- No! I was just deep in a thought is all" you reassured. Her smile reappeared but it was only half as big like something was weighing the other half down on her face.

Questions ran in your head a million miles an hour as always. How could you lie to Spencer after all of this? Could you even face him? "We should call Brody" you say picking up the phone and dialing his number allowing it to be on speaker for her to hear.

Only took three rings before he picked up with his deeper voice, noticeably racked by cigars. overs the years.

"Hello Y/n"

"Brody hey you have me and Vanessa here"

Vanessa is also really close with Brody so you assumed he already knew. Knowing her she couldn't have gotten away with it for this king without his help or someone else's.

"Let me guess. You found out?" he groans.

"Yes but i'm not here to arrest anyone I actually called for a favor" you bit the inside of your cheek thinking of how to word this elaborate question. Getting a whole new identity let alone two is extremely difficult in today's world.

"What can I do mina döttrar"

"We need two new identities" Vanessa says gripping the side of the couch, her own nerves showing through without hesitation.

Silence pinged in his end for more than thirty seconds. Hopefully he wouldn't ask for money, you doubt he would since that's what the man is made of. But most things he did always called in for a favor later from your personal experience. "By when?"

"As soon as possible" you say.

"I can try to get them to you by tomorrow but you both know the deal."

"Of course, tack själv" Vanessa acknowledges laying out a small breath, you follow at the same time. "We will see you later, älskar dig" rarely you would say 'love you' to Brody but this was such a big ask and you couldn't hang up the phone without it.

"Älskar dig tol"

You hang up the phone and start dancing around the room with excitement while it lasts.

"Vanessa you look pretty good for a dead bitch"

This is short but there wasn't supposed to be a chapter today ahhhhh


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