3. The Surprise

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Monday couldn't roll around any slower. The anticipation was eating you up inside, when you got closer to Monday the more nervous you got. It was the first day of school all over again, something you hated.

But it was Sunday night and Vanessa talked you down most of the night because you couldn't drink. Hangover in your first day would be horrible.

Staring at your ceiling was your favorite way of overthinking. It allowed you to have no disruptions but today it was helping you fall asleep. "Fuck it" you mumbled throwing yourself out of bed to grab melatonin to knock you out.


You sighed as you walked into the doors of the BAU. You promised yourself not to put up a wall around yourself or have a bias against anyone here without knowing them. Nerves always did get the best of you but you tried to remember to be bold. Making your way up the catwalk you stopped in front of the door with the tag 'SSA Aaron Hotchner'. It's okay you got this Y/n this is what you went to school for if you weren't good enough he wouldn't have hired you- you gave yourself a smell pep talk before knocking on the door twice.

On the other side a stern 'come in' flowed through your ears. Slowly you turned the door knob and pushed it open revealing a office with a large bookshelf before the intimidating man who sat at his desk looking down on some files.

"Ah Y/n Y/l/n" he smiled. This man smiled? He got out from out of his desk making his way over to you taking out his hand. You obliged and shook it before sitting down in the hard leather chair. "That's me" internally you pace palmed yourself for saying that. Seriously that's all you could say? No 'Hello sir thank you for having me'?

"So your academy scores are quite impressive. I'm happy too have you here I believe you will be a great asset"

"Thank you so much I believes so to" you agreed, watching him skim over your record one more time.

"There isn't much for us to discuss but today there is no case so I will introduce you to the team and have someone help you out. Does that sound good?" both of you knew it wasn't a question more like an order but you nodded anyway signaling that was a good plan.

Here comes the part you have been dreading. Meeting knew people that you would have to constantly see again made you nervous. When you saw Spencer you knew that you would never see him again that's why you were so bold.

"Everyone" Hotch command their attention to the railing. "This is our new agent Y/n Y/l/n" he announced. Everyone looking in awe. There were only four agents looking at you out of the six excluding David Rossi who you met during the training process.

"This is Derek Morgan" He points to a muscular man with a awfully shiny head.

"Penelope Garcia or technical analyst" there was a woman with bright blind hair and a colorful blue outfit on with matching accessories for heels. She gave you the biggest smile with a wave lightening your day already.

"Jennifer Jareau we call her JJ" another blonde woman who was petite sitting down by a brunette haired woman.

"And Emily Prentiss" he finished. "As anyone seen Reid?" questioned Hotch. Everyone shook their heads no confusion laced in their faces.

Hotch showed you to a desk right across from someone else's. No one was there at the moment but it was lined with books and had a small coffee stain on the coaster. "Welcome to the team princess" Derek greets shaking your hand. Pet names weren't your thing but coming from him, honestly it made you feel warm inside.

"Yes welcome!" Penelope squealed enveloping you in a tight hug, your nostrils suffocating at the smell of sweet vanilla and cotton candy.

"So glad your here" JJ and Emily said at the same time both shaking your hand.

Right now you didn't know why you worried so much about not feeling welcome. These people are obviously very close and feel like family. Still you wondered who this Reid guy was but it was probably his last name. Instead of trying to figure out this mystery agent you began to set up at your desk. "If you need anything just let me know" JJ shared patting your shoulder. You thanked her and began to figure out this paperwork format.

Truly this format was harder than you expected. Everything had to be done in a certain order and with high detail but at least it could keep you busy from your own thoughts of Friday night.

"Hey guys sorry i'm late something came up this morning!" someone yelled into the bullpen their voice sounding very familiar but you didn't look up to see who. "Reid is getting some lovin'" Derek joked.

"Shut up" he mumbled plopping down at the desk in front of yours making your head shook up.

Your eyes immediately widened when you saw Spencer from the bar last night.

My mind is playing tricks on me!
Wait he works for the FBI
Wait I work for the FBI...

You put your head back down quickly to try and conceal your identity as long as possible. Could this say get any worse! This reminds you of the time someone saw you naked on accident than you had to face them again, ah high school fun times. But this isn't high school and now you have to work with a man you slept with drunk just two nights before!

"Hey" he smiled obviously not knowing who you are yet, thank god.

"Hi" you mumbled back trying to not sound like yourself. Some point you would have to get over it because he would see you anyway. God this is why you don't wish you see people again because than you manifest it into your life, this is karma.

" Your knew here I presume?" Spencer observed.

"Yeah" you replied still keeping your head down to avoid his eyes.

"Are you okay?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" you gulped. Nervousness was taking over your body, your hands were growing clammy. You knew he would t judge but it was just so awkward.

"You seem to be nervous" Shit. Shit. Shit. "First day and all you know" you cautioned. He hummed in acknowledgement proving he knows what it's like.

Still you didn't have the guts to face him. Karma is a bitch and you should really stop sleeping with random people. Suddenly his fingers hooked under your chin forcing you to look at him. His jaw went slack when he saw you, yep the woman he slept with. It was a hit and dip situation so the tension in this moment was so thick someone could slice it with knife.

Spencers eyes studied you watching your body language like a hawk. Part of you wanted to pretend it never happened but maybe this was the chance for it to occur again. As far as you could tell the two of you were polar opposites. Hes seemed like a stay at home and read person and your more of a go out and get pass out drunk. So even if you wanted something between the two of you it would never work.

He glanced between the team and you, "Y/n?"

"Spencer." yours was a statement not a question you knew it was him.

"What are you doing here" this time he sounded more harsh without knowing it. What does he think your a stalker? You cleared your throat before answering, "I- I work here".

"Do you remember?"

"I remember going to your apartment and waking up but the middle is a blur" you told him. He removed his hand from under your chin, you found yourself missing the warmth that was once there. "Okay good I don't want this to effect our work"

It felt like you got stabbed in your stomach. How did you already fall for a man you barely knew, but you hate to admit he was right. If you were going to work with him your couldn't let your anything get in your way, it was a one time thing anyways.

"Yeah your right" you maintained you micro expressions. "good girl" he consoled. At first you wouldn't have heard it if you weren't really listening, but you did hear it and it had the worst affect on you.


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