13. The Agreement

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"I think i'm falling for you"
You stayed silent at his words unable to wrap your head around them. Honestly you were scared, terrified of what would happen if you confessed your feelings. Your past has caused to many relationships to fail and you cannot bear to see Spencer hurt. But there is an option that you probably don't want to use, it's for his own protection. It would be worse to break his heart three months from now and lead him on rather than right now and same him.

His soft snores filled the room and entangled with your thoughts. This overthinking thing was not a blessing. After he confessed his feelings he said you didn't have to say anything back, so you didn't. Commitment scared the shit out of you. Your plan consisted of telling him in the morning that you weren't looking for anything serious and you still enjoyed hanging out with him.

Quickly it hit seven AM, and Spencer was slowly waking up. His arms instinctively wrapped around you pulling you into his chest. You screwed your eyes shut and froze. He let out a long sigh and feel back asleep. Slowly you pried yourself out of his grasp, which was no where near easy. Your grabbed your phone off the table and rushed to the living room. To no avail it's was dead. Great. Spencer didn't have iPhone chargers so your stuck with a dead phone. Confrontation wasn't your thing either so you grabbed a sticky note and wrote a note on it for him.

Had to deal with something see you Monday.


Kind of sucky but it will do. You grabbed your keys and purse and rushed out the door to your car.

What if he doesn't want to see me again?
Does he think I'm using him for sex now?
What if he thinks I wasn't even good?
Does he think i'm some broken girl?

There was one big distraction from this. The case. After the robbery the BAU got reassigned the Broken Angels making it easier for you to investigate it. Drives really relaxed you so it was nice to be sitting in quiet watching the trees pass and slowly disappear behind you.

You considered getting a cat, to keep you company which was completely random considering the situation your in. Spencer just got let down and your thinking about getting a cat.

When you pulled into your apartment you rushed up the stairs nearly tripping five times and pushed the door open to meet the clean apartment you left. You threw your keys into a little bowl and walked over to your bedroom to find the file. You had in your bedside table because Vanessa was coming over. But when you opened the drawer it wasn't there. So normally you would freak out because it just got miss placed but no one has been here since Vanessa and she wouldn't take it. So you just shut the drawer and continued to look for it. No one broke in or anything but it was just no where to be seen.

Why would she take it? No, she wouldn't take it.

You brushed off the weird feeling about her. She is your best friend there would be absolutely no gain to steal a case file from you. Plus you misplace things all the time it will show up sooner or later. Just maybe not in the way you expected.

Anticipation was eating you alive while waiting for Spencer to text you. You knew that he would because that's just how he is. Just than your phone dinged in the counter. You wanted to run and open it but you decided to wait a few minutes because you said you were going to do something. You paced around your room for four minutes before going to open it.

Spencer <3
Hey princess I saw your note thanks for letting me know. I hope everything is okay. Call me please.

Should you call him? Maybe you can meet up somewhere and tell him what you think. Does he even want a serious relationship, he wouldn't have said something if he didn't. A relationship is the least of your worries now and days. It's way more fun to go out and not worry about tending to someone at home. Minutes passed before you typed your message back.

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