27. The Calm

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Warning: Gore/ brief torture description

"I don't understand I didn't kill anyone! I work for the FBI" you yelled as the cold handcuffs burned through the skin on your wrist cutting off its circulation. The swat officer didn't seem to care about your pleads and remarks. Can you get a break for one!? Here was different, there were no rights read to you, simply being thrown into a cop car to a holding cell.

One of the female swat members drove the van. Her blonde hair inside of a tight bun with her hands flexed against the leather steering wheel. Shit. "engelsk?" you asked the woman hoping she new even the slightest broken English.

"Yes. I don't walk to foreigners" she replied coldly gabbing you in the gut, it was worse than Hotch. 

"Well haha- funny story actually I was born here and moved to the United States when I was three" you laughed awkwardly trying to crack a smile from the female.

"No, people here don't commit murder" she clenched her jaw and met your gaze in the rearview mirror. Funny how you did nothing, plus it's not like you lived here anymore so why doe- no stop it Y/n not the time. "That's because I didn't! Okay listen I have no clue what your name is but I'm not a criminal, girl to girl y'know? What's your name?"

The officer hesitated for a minute, you could see the gears running in her head looking for a right way to answer. Her eyes say she doesn't think you killed these men, which was the truth might I add. Vanessa is a real bitch if this is the stunt she decided to pull. How insecure do you have to be? And why is she so hook on something from so long ago, something you didn't even know about so how can she get mad. 

"Klara my name is Klara..." she trailed off.

"That is a very beautiful name! I'm y/n can you please tell me where we are going?"

"Uh- the capitols police department. Sweden doesn't have jurisdiction in this case so it is just for holing. Whoever is in charge back in America has to fly out here" your heart dropped to your stomach. That means the BAU is flying out. It didn't fully hit you at first, than everything hit you. Tears swelled in your eyes that burned the surface. They will find out everything. Why now? Why me? You thought to yourself. 

"Klara you mean the Behavioral Analysis Unit?"

Klara nodded her head not taking her deep green eyes off the left side of the road. Your hands rattled the cuffs detained behind your back in an attempt to escape. This whole thing was a mess that could have easily been avoided if you turned Vanessa in. "Y/n-" she started.

"I work for them I'm Agent Y/l/n please you have to tell someone. I would never commit a crime" well that was a lie, but it wasn't by choice! Sincerely you felt bad for that house. Things are a mess to say the least, so much shit up in the air. And the future was nagging you of the lecture Aaron is about to throw in your face. Maybe they would really lock you away. But you knew the team wouldn't do that. "I'm sorry I have a job to do. They were called hours ago but we had to come find you" she breathed.

Great. The team would be there soon enough and the police more than likely now about the fire now.


Hotch walked into the round table room to see his anxious team all called in at 1 AM. "Apologizes for calling you in so late but this is urgent we will be debriefing on the plane" Hotch announces as the team all shared looks of confusion even Penelope who didn't know anything about anything. "Garcia your coming along to" he added.

"oh- yes of course sir" Penelope frantically grabbed her laptop shoving it into its case. "Where are we going?" Spencer and Emily asked in sync sharing a look right after.

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