21. The Death

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Warning: Emetophobia (vomiting)

Spencers weight blocked you from getting up, his peaceful slumber making you not want to move. Those words playing in your head from tonight's activates, 'I love you for infinity'.

Lying wasn't easy, in fact it was slowly eating you alive and pulling you under to the deep depts of the ocean where all the cold monsters lurked. Vanessa knew it to. You were never good with high risk situations which is ironic because you joined the FBI.

Carefully you pried yourself out from under his arms wrapped around your waist as a human pillow. Obviously you couldn't go over to her house so it was a pure waiting game for Aarons call to you.

(A Few Days Ago)

"V what is your plan?" you ask her pacing around the small bedroom.

"Calm down Y/n! Your n Dot going to get caught okay?"

"Okay just tell me so I can know"

"So In two days you need to make sure that you and Spencer are together to create your solid alibi-" knots formed in your stomach making you want to throw up at the thought oh his name being used. "-than around midnight when he falls asleep, make sure he is asleep: I'm going to text you the cue and than I'm going to stab myself and call 911" she explained popping another sour patch kid in her mouth like it was nothing

Nausea took over your body, but you gulped it down and ignored it because it was just nerves. Using Spencer as a alibi seemed wrong in so many ways. Yes, you did want to hang out with him but for some reason you felt like he could see straight threw you. You were waiting for the right time to tell him before the plan and maybe that would be the night.

"I swear Vanessa if you fuck this up I'm coming for you-" you pointed your finger at her, "-fist swinging"

"Y/n this is a solid plan. Hotchner will call you saying I was stabbed and got admitted to the hospital. We already payed off the doctor to get me transported to Sweden." Vanessa reassured motioning you to sit down. "Dr. Daisy Grey"

"Your right nothing is going to go wrong I'm going to go and come back like nothing happened and Vanessa Smart will be dead" you breathed finally looking her in the eyes.

"Vanessa Smart will be dead" she echoed.

(Present Day)

Oh how peaceful he looked on the couch so relived to finally have you. Though he hasn't asked you to be his girlfriend you didn't mind taking it slow. Love wasn't a normal phenomenon to him or you but being embraced in each others was mind boggling.
Part of you was terrified for anything to happen to him, like you were now his designated protector of all evil. Does doing this make you that said evil? What if you are who Spencer needs to be protected from.

He doesn't even seem to know you. He doesn't know about Sweden, about your mother, about Vanessa, about anything. It looked like you were really a stranger keeping secrets from such a precious innocent mind. Well not fully innocent but that's besides to point.

As you looked around you noticed all the newer book titles that filled his shelf's. Some English but most foreign probably to 'keep his brain active' he told you a while ago. It warmed your heart to see all of his books for some reason. All the broken spines and leather covers. You wished reading was a hobby you picked up, there might be a book you love but you'll never know.

Moments passed of you drowned in your own thoughts. Hotch wouldn't find out either but the Doctor could easily turn on your, you just hope Vanessa took care of everything without anyone getting hurt. Brody said you owed him a favor, you weren't sure what but you could only assume something big to match the multitude of yours. The burner phone sat in your pocket begging to go off. So that you didn't wake Spencer you went into the bathroom just in case it did ring.

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