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"Umm.... Weren't you sick Yeri?" I asked her, "Yeah I'm okay now... I'm going out with my friends" she answered, "Okay take care" I said, "Yeah you too bye" she said and cut the call.

My cousin was the best cousin in the whole World. Sharing apartment with her would be the most amazing thing ever. Yeri was with me when nobody was there to help me. And probably my best friend too besides Felix and Jungwoo.

I went to arcade knowing that I was on safe side as Yeri went out too. I spent almost half an hour, and as I became bored I came out of arcade and went to the cafeteria.

I sat on an empty table, "Umm...hey can I sit here?" a girl tapped my shoulder and asked, I turned back to see that girl and to my surprise it was my middle school bestfriend who transferred to another school back then.

"Oh my God SUYOUNG?!" she shouted and hugged me, "AHHHHHH Yeji-yah I missed you!" I shouted and hugged her back.

We sat together and started talking about random things which happened through all those years and also I got to know that she studied in my high school but a different class. "So you got new friends after I left" she pouted, "Yeah" I chuckled and answered, "One is like my brother he always takes care of me and other one is a total fucker....UGH I HATE HIM SO MUCH" well...I said pretty loudly...all the people in the cafeteria gave me a bad look, "Umm sorry...I'm really sorry" I bowed to all of them and in the other side there was Yeji who laughed at me.

I sat down and then Yeji stopped laughing, "You're the same as you were before, you have unending energy" she smiled, "And you're the sweetest person ever" I smiled back.

"Btw how-", "Heyyyy grandma!!!" I almost spat my drink when I heard a familiar voice calling me, I turned the other side to see none other than the trouble himself...."Hey!!! You didn't notice me?!" he exclaimed, "No....I don't even want to" I rolled my eyes and turned towards Yeji again, "Who's it?" she asked, "The epic boy whom I was talking about", "Jungwoo?", "Yea...WAIT WHATTTTTT...... THAT MOTHERFUCKER!!!" I stood up and went to his table where he was sitting with another guy.

"What" he asked being surprised, "You suck! You're just a stinky little jerk!" I said out, well thankfully cafeteria became little less crowded than before so nobody heard much.

"What the fuck!" he exclaimed, "You said you didn't return from vacations?" I folded my arms and stood there expecting an answer from him, "I- yeah....I just....returned yesterday....and also I need to accompany my friend to some places so I skipped the school, not a big deal you know" he said casually sipping his tea, "I hate you", "Oh c'mon don't lie", "I really do", "Liesss", "You're just....ugh!!!", "Ahem.." the other guy cleared his throat, he was quite handsome though, "So who's this?" he asked, "Oh this is my grandma...I mean my bestfriend...Suyoung" I bowed to him and he bowed back too, "Oh hey I'm Jungwoo's friend too, I'm Jeno", "Nice to meet you", "Nice to meet you too", "Umm.....I should get going now...and don't miss school tomorrow you ugly brat" I glared at Jungwoo, "Bye grandma", "Fuck you", "No you can't, I'm too handsome", "Hope you choke on your dinner and die" I rolled my eyes, "Come now let's go" Yeji nudged me, "Thank you" she bowed to them and dragged me out.

"Y'all are mess omg" Yeji laughed loudly as soon as we came out of the mall, "I'm not....that guy really tests my patience" I chuckled softly, "But he's your best friend" she said while walking, "Yeah..... he's little stupid but he's my friend afterall" I smiled.


We parted our ways saying goodbye from the last cross. I looked at the busy night streets. The sky was cloudy already and it was lightning from a long time, I increased my pace and walked a little faster but I was only mid-way when it started to rain.

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