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Minho's P.O.V

The lunch break was over and still Suyoung and Jungwoo weren't back. We said our goodbyes to each other and left for our classes.

"I wonder why they didn't come-" Haechan said gaining attention from the remaining three of us.

"I don't know and even Jungwoo seemed quite upset from few days, God knows what's going on" Felix sighed.

"Maybe...he just wanted to talk to her and they forgot about having lunch" I replied although I was myself curious to know.

Ryujin shaked her head, "Minho why don't you try to ask Jungwoo, you guys know each other from a long time" she suggested.

"I'll try that" I replied to her and she nodded.

To my surprise, when we returned to class, Suyoung and Jungwoo were already there talking with each other.

"They look good now, we were just being worried for nothing" Haechan said.

Me and Haechan walked to our respective seats beside Suyoung, "Dude move back to your place" Haechan nudged Jungwoo.

He nodded and rose up from his seat, "Bye Jungwoo" I waved a hand at him. He was about to say something but then smiled and shortly mouthed me a 'bye'.

I shrugged and took my seat. Suyoung didn't even say a word to me, neither did she look at me for once unlike other days, I liked the way she gave me all her attention but this time something was certainly off.

"Why didn't you eat your lunch?" Haechan asked her first beating me to it.

"Oh me and Jungwoo were so engrossed in talking that we didn't realise the lunch break was over" she answered.

"Suyoung? What about your homework?" I asked her expecting her to at least look at me but bad luck...before she could answer, Mr. Jeon entered the class.

"I'm the substitute of Ms. Gong in today's class...and since" he paused for a while and flashed a bright smile at us, "So since we had nothing to do anyways...I thought to announce the marks from your previous surprise test" he completed.

"Holy-" Felix was too loud to not hear, "Holy what?" Mr. Jeon asked him, "Holy Jesus" he smiled at him nervously.

"Btw you did better Felix don't worry" he said and looked back into the marksheet of the class.

"What?! Felix? Good in maths?" Suyoung exclaimed with wide eyes.

I chuckled and so did Haechan looking at her expression, "Bet he studied this time" I said.

Suyoung's P.O.V

"Okay...but Suyoung did good too, not gonna lie I thought she could never score more than 20 but well..." Mr. Jeon said making me embarrassed.

"That's not fair" looking down I played with my fingers.

"I was just kidding don't worry Suyoung, guess it was a good decision to make you sit between Haechan and Minho" he laughed and so did my friends.

"Okay enough talking, lemme reveal the scores" he held up the marksheet in front of his face and slowly read out the marks one by one.

After what felt like an eternity, finally it was my turn, "So...Suyoung? How much do you think you got?" Mr. Jeon asked.

I thought for a while and then answered, "Nothing too high but something like 25 or 26".

"Tch this kid...you remind me of my high school days" he facepalmed.

"Nam Suyoung got thirty five out of fifty" he said and proceeded with telling marks to others while I was in a total shock.

"Did I hear right?" I asked the two intellectual guys beside me.

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