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"I'm done" I heard Minho's voice and looked up in disbelief.

"What the fuck.... he's...", "Amazing...." Jungwoo completed Felix's sentence, "You never said he's that good in studies!!!" I whisper shouted, "I myself didn't know.... I've just heard that he's good in studies from his parents...but damn..... he's super amazinggggg" he exclaimed.

"Wow you're good at this...keep it up" the teacher said, "Wow he's amazing", "Wdym... he's perfect", "I never really noticed him before", "He's handsome too omo" girls started fangirling.

"Why everyone suddenly started fangirling over him" I rolled my eyes, "Huh..wait..are you jealoussss?!" Felix asked with his Aussie accent.

"Wha..no! Why will I be jealous...Lix you're disgusting" I glared at him, "Who what when how" Jungwoo asked shifting his attention towards us, "Nothing hehe" I laughed awkwardly.

"Just accept you were jealous" Felix smirked, "What the real fuck!!! I'm not jealous... it's just really irritating how literally everyone used to ignore him because he's quiet but now girls are fangirling suddenly like duh.." I whispered back.

"Whatever..." he said and turned the other side.

(Long time skip - next week)

I was having a walk around the school as I was too fast that day. While passing by the corridor I heard some people talking inside an empty room.

When I peeped I saw two girls bullying another girl, one of them was grabbing her hair tightly and other one twisted her arm.

"You're going to tell us answers to the question paper today...do you understand?" she left her hair.

"But.... it's not good.... I'll be punished too if teachers find out" the girl cried. I took out my phone and recorded their video. But luck never favoured me....while I was putting the phone inside my pocket it fell down...and yk what happened :)

They saw me and their eyes widened I picked my phone up and ran faster than the speed of light, "Just find her now Hyojin" the girl who was holding the other girl's hair shouted at her friend.

"Ughhhh why always meee!!!!" I cried and ran faster followed by the two girls.

As soon as I took turn from the end of the corridor I bumped into someone, "Whoah slow down Miss" he said but I didn't have time to explain him so I got inside the nearest room and the guy followed me, "You aren't supposed to enter here", "Shhh p-please help m-me" I said while catching my breath.

He looked at me once again and looked outside while I hid behind the wall. I could hear their voices.

"Hey kid did you see a girl running from here?" she asked the guy, "No?", "Yaah don't try to outsmart us", "Duh why will I try to outsmart I'd rather find a better job" he answered her, "Kid you're disgusting", "Thanks now you can go, you shouldn't be wasting your time here".

My phone vibrated as I received a text from Jungwoo :

Jungwoo :
Where are you bitch-

I decided not to answer him and put my phone inside my pocket.

I sighed and looked at my front, "Omi tf- I'm sorry" I exclaimed and slapped myself mentally.

"That's why I said you're not supposed to be here Miss" I heard the guy who talked to me earlier say, I looked at him and he was....hot....."Umm....I didn't know it was guys' changing room" I bowed to all the peeps who were in that room as they gave me confused looks.

I blushed out of embarrassment, "See you got involved in fights already you hoe" another guy appeared out of nowhere and hit that guy's arm.....man was that a school for handsome boys?

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