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Hey guys sorry for late update hehe, I was sick for a few days, so I thought to take rest for some time and now I'm back with a new chapter ❤️

From now onwards the chapters will be a lil bit shorter compared to the previous ones cuz I think long chapters are quite boring bdbdbdb so yep :3

Let's continue now!


The door slowly opened and we saw a short woman with glasses who wore a formal clothing with fashionable accessories and she had that expensive look on her face.

"Yes?" she asked, "Umm...hello I'm Suyoung and this is my friend Felix and we're Jungwoo and Minho's friends" me and Felix bowed down in front of her.

"Oh hi...how can I help you both oh and I'm his mother" she asked smiling at us but it seemed kinda fake?

"Umm....Mrs Lee can we meet him?" Felix asked, "Who's it hun?" a tall man came and stood beside Mrs Lee.

"Minho's friends..." she sighed and looked at him, he looked at her and then back at us, "We're really sorry but Minho isn't here right now" he informed us.

"Dad can I use your car for now?" we heard a familiar voice and our gazes turned towards him, we made eye contact and he looked surprised too.

"Minho..." I said out softly, " Oh Minho you're back...haha" his mother said out, "Umm...Mom they are my classmates" he said, "Oh yeah but y'all can't talk rn we need to go somewhere, you both can visit us some other day" his Dad said, "But Dad le-", "Not now Minho go to your room" his Mom instructed.

He looked at us for the last time and sighed as he walked away.

They shut the door on our face and that annoyed me.

"Dang they rude!" Felix ruffled his blonde hair out of frustration, "Yeah...but...I wanted to talk to him...we don't even have his contact number..." I sighed heavily.

Minho's P.O.V

I came back to my room being annoyed and sat on my chair playing with my pencil when I thought of something...mhmm... Something which I never thought of before...my parents wouldn't let me meet my friends...so why not sneak out...

At first I was hesitant but at the next moment I was desperate...I wanted to be free...I wanted to be like other kids...not someone who could be manipulated easily.


I carefully examined the pipes out of my window and thought that it would be safe enough to climb down that way.

I was scared...yes I was...not because of the consequences I would face after coming back...but I was scared because I was doing something totally different to what I was being taught from my very childhood.

After thinking for a while I did it! I climbed down the pipes and made sure that no one was around when I escaped.


I was positive enough because, it didn't take much time to get out on the road and they wouldn't be gone far, I suddenly felt excited...I stopped for a while and then started running towards the bus stop knowing that they surely went that way.

"Hey guys!" I reached the bus stop just on time...they were about to get inside the bus but stopped hearing my voice.

They both were surprised to see me there. "Let's go to the park and talk" I said catching my breath. They nodded and we walked to the park together.


"Whoah! You did that?!" Felix exclaimed as soon as I told them that I sneaked out.

"Yeah...I got inspired by you guys" I answered and smiled at them, "And moreover I felt desperate..." I looked down but still feeling satisfied.

"So...are you okay Minho?" Suyoung asked, "Uh yeah... I'm totally fine don't worry" I replied and looked at her, "Yeah but why didn't you come to school?" she asked again.

"I was...umm...I was a bit sick... that's all..." I answered and sighed knowing that I was lying completely.

"Oh...take care and take medicines...eat properly and don't skip your meals okay?" she said, I looked at her and smiled as an answer, she smiled back at me, it felt...felt kinda warm.

For the first time I noticed how pretty she was...not only her appearance...but even her existence was graceful...

I stared at her for a while feeling completely blank but then realised that it was kinda creepy, good thing that she was talking to Felix that time and didn't catch me looking at her.

"Umm...so Minho? Are you coming to school tomorrow, we have an excursion" I snapped out of my thoughts when she asked that, "Not tomorrow...uh...I wanna rest at home tomorrow" I said being uncomfortable because I did not want to lie to them.

"Oh it's okay...take some rest" she said looking a bit down, "Yeah don't worry I'll come the day after tomorrow" I answered reassuring her, "Welp let's go now it's late already" Felix said to Suyoung and she nodded.

We bade each other good bye and parted our ways.

To my surprise when I returned home...everything was fine...they didn't even come to check on me...but it was good for me...at least I could meet my friends.


That night went by very quick and it was the next morning when I literally started to panick because it was my engagement day.

I did not wanted to stay with someone whom I'm not even interested in...I was totally frustrated at that point. But I had no other choice than accepting what my parents had decided for me....


If y'all are wondering...the main interesting part of the story is coming up...so yep gotta wait for the next two chapters a little :)

Hehe see y'all later!

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