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Suyoung's P.O.V

"So you're telling me that we should tell the truth to everyone now? UGH FELIX STOP MAKING SOUND WITH THAT FUCKING PENCIL-" I snapped at Felix since I was already in a bad mood that day. We decided to hold a study session in the cafe near our school but ended up discussing about mine and Minho's problem

"Yo chill...okay first of all Ryujin is right, y'all should end this thing now" he replied back to me.

"Yeah but I don't know how would Jungwoo and my parents react to it...since you know-" Minho said looking at his notebook.

"OH MINHO WAIT-" I quickly took out the package from my bag and handed the bracelet to him as soon as I remembered about it.

"You finally opened the gift" he chuckled and wore it.

"Can I ask something?" Ryujin asked and we nodded to her as an answer.

"Why aren't y'all dating yet?" she asked, before anyone could speak again my phone rang and I was compelled to accept the call.

"Yes Tzuyu?"

"Bad news for you...they have fixed the reception date for this week, I don't even know what is happening but Mom tagged me along to buy clothes-" Tzuyu said from the other line.

"Are they trying to kill me or something-" I asked.


"My Dad, you convinced with my answer? Go do whatever you want with him" I rolled my eyes.

"Who's gonna mess with your Dad...I'd rather fight with Chan for a Kpop album" he pouted and sat back on his place.

I ended the call with Tzuyu after talking for a while. It was a relief that we still had time although only threw days, but it was enough.

"Pfft your parents should go to a pilgrimage at least they'll get some mental stability-" said Yeji while writing down her notes.

"And don't worry about Jungwoo I'll try to keep him away from all of this for a while-" Yeonjun said.

"Yeah, I pity him, but I'm also mad at his childish behaviour-" I let out a small sigh saying that.

But how did Sehun know about all this...

I kept on thinking but couldn't link it to anything possible. He wasn't even supposed to know about the slightest things related to me.

"Hey what are you thinking about?" Minho snapped his fingers in front of me.

"Nothing...just about Sehun..."

"Hey guys we're gonna get going now, I'm really tired" Ryujin said stretching her hands.

"Yep and I'm sure you both need some time to discuss cuz y'all fucked up real big this time" Felix said pulling Yeonjun outside with him.

We waved a goodbye hand to all of them before they left the cafe. It was right, I was stressed about the things happening to me but I was more stressed about Yeri, she didn't come to school that day.

"Minho I'm really frustrated, there are so many things going on at a time...I haven't been this much stressed my whole life-" I said laying my head down on the top of the table.

"Yeah I can tell that, but I promise I won't let you get hurt, it happened because of me and I'll be the one fixing it-" he said holding my hands tightly.

"Wait, wouldn't it feel weird, like...to go back to our previous daily lives again? It will be really weird for me, I got used to this feeling, like being around you always, I guess the cats will miss you-" he dramatically said those things to me.

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