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Suyoung's P.O.V

We reached our destination right after 5 hours of traveling.

Me and Yeji got down at last followed by Ryujin and Yeonjun since we sat at the last.

"Ugh...why do I even have a cousin like you" Ryujin rolled her eyes (A/N : And yeah your author has gone mad 😀 suddenly everyone is everyone's cousin)

"I question that everyday...duh" Yeonjun rolled his eyes and walked towards the other bus while me and Yeji followed him.

"Oh so Felix was on this bus...and Haechan too" I said as they both came out of the bus together.

"So...? How did it go siStAr" Felix asked me sarcastically, "I swear to God I'll stuff rotten tomatoes into your mouth someday" I rolled my eyes and went where our teachers were standing.

"Now give me your phone numbers" Mr. Jeon said, "For what" Ryujin asked, "Idiot..." Mr. Min said and pushed Mr. Jeon aside, "Y'all need to give your phone numbers peacefully to us so that we can call you when needed or else you'll stay inside the bus like good children the whole day" he explained.

"Y'all didn't even let me complete" Mr. Jeon pouted, "Ewwww" the whole class cringed.

"Hi" someone tapped my shoulder, when I turned back I saw none other than Haechan.

"Oh hey Haechan thanks for dropping Yeri home yesterday" I bowed to him and he did the same, "Well....I would do it for anyone not only you" he said and smiled.

"Okay so look here everyone" Mr. Jeon spoke out, "We will divide all of you into teams and we'll choose one place for each group where you need to go and write a document about...." he explained us carefully so that he wouldn't get scolded by Mr. Min again.

"Okay!" everyone answered in sync.

"The first group has..............the second group has..............the third group has.............the fourth group has Suyoung, Felix, Yeji, Yeonjun, Haechan and Ryujin......the fifth....the sixth...." Mr. Min read out the names.


"Why are we teamed together?" Yeonjun and Ryujin both nagged together yet again, "Shut the fuck up don't start arguing now" Haechan said as we proceeded to our designated place which was led by none other than the great Lord Felix since he had visited the place before.

"Y'all are slow as fuck! Just be as fast as me" he spoke out loudly, "Why are we following him again" I asked, "It was a mistake I guess" Yeji laughed.

"Let's sit here and write our papers" Yeji ran to a free space on the ground nearby, "What are you looking at, come here!" she told me.


"I'm done yk" Ryujin said stretching her arms, "So fast?" Yeji asked, "Yeah..do you have any problem?" she asked being as rude as always, "No...just asking..." Yeji backed off as I nudged her.

"I'm going for a short walk... I'll be back after some time" Ryujin said as she stood up and walked to a random direction.

"Hey till we complete let's talk about Kpop" Yeonjun said, "Lame as always but okay it'll be fine for now ig" Haechan rolled his eyes.

"Okay so...which groups do y'all like?" Felix asked, "I like Tw-", "OMG TWICE? YEAH I LIKE THEM TOO!" Felix jumped up even before Yeji could finish, "My favourite is Exo" Haechan said, "Whoah I like obsession yk" I said out, "Yeonjun?", "Umm...not sure...but I like GFriend" he said while drawing borders for his introduction page. "And what about you Suyoung?" Haechan asked me.

"Umm...well I don't have a bias group but I like Sunmi since yk both of our names start with 'Su' hehe".

"Yk you're quite cute" Yeonjun said, "Who?" I asked, "You" he looked at me, "Me? Wow cool" I smiled a bit hearing the compliment, "dude why you looking at me like that" Yeonjun asked Haechan, "Nevermind just thinking something" he answered, "Prolly about how handsome I am" Yeonjun winked at him, "Ew I mean jokes are okay but this joke was lame as well as invalid" Haechan cringed.

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