Chapter 30

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Soobin sits on my right side, still excited to hear my boring story I call my life. I might have to add something to spice it up because this boy is way too excited over nothing.

“Well, I never really had anyone to watch over me when I was growing up. I mean, my parents took care of me as a baby, toddler, and kid. But they didn’t help me when I could most definitely do something on my own. 

I guess they did it to make me more independent? They never really gave me an explanation why. Either way, I had to figure out a lot on my own.

I grew up on a small island off the coast. There wasn’t a lot there in terms of job and future opportunities, so I decided to move here to go to college.

When I told them I was going to have to move out to go to school, they didn’t care too much. Of course they cared where I was going, but they didn’t care too much about me moving out.

When I got here for the first time, I was able to find my place in the dorms and get myself set up for classes, but I had trouble meeting people.

At home, I didn’t have friends because I was more mature than everyone else at school. I guess planning what I wanted to do for a career in 7th grade was funny because kids started to pick on me for being smart.

In high school, I saw lots of students that were depressed and in the worst state of their lives. It wasn’t a nice thing to see, so I decided that I wanted to help people with those problems. 

Now I’m in the college I want, I’m on my way to being what I want, and I have a few friends that genuinely care about me more than anyone else has ever shown.”

Once I’m done, I look at Soobin and he stares back at me.

His mouth is open as if he’s trying to find the right thing to say after that, and he eventually finds it.

“Wow, I’m sorry.”

“For what?” His apology sounded so genuine, like he really was sorry for something he did to me. But he didn't do anything wrong.

“For your school life and your parents.”

“Oh, it’s ok. School is always filled with kids who pick on each other, it’s natural if anything. And my parents check up on me every now and then, to make sure I’m ok.” I reassure him.

He relaxes a little and faces the water again.

I lean forward and poke his arm slightly.

“Now it’s your turn.”


“You promised to tell me your story once I told you mine.”

“I did?”

“Yes. Go!”

“Mine isn’t that exciting either.”

“I’ll be the judge of that.” I say with a smile.

Soobin catched the joke I made with his words from a bit ago and exhales.

“Ok fine.”

I face myself towards him and put a child-like look on display.

He notices this and laughs a little, and I’m pretty sure I heard him say “cute” under his breath.

“Ok, so I lived with my parents and my two older siblings in the urban area of town. We never really had any problems, besides it was really only me in the house. My brother and sister are a lot older than me and were moved out by the time I was in early high school.

Even though my siblings were out living their lives, I had my brothers here.

I met the boys when we were in elementary school. We were all in different grades, but we would meet up at the playground and stay together as long as we could. After school we would go to the small park by our houses and run around under the trees.

When we got to middle school, we all started to grow a bit more height wise. This made us stand out in a crowd, which meant we were targets for bullies. I …. was the main target because I didn’t fight back, and I still don’t. But Yeonjun hyung was always next to me to scare the bullies off, he took care of the other guys too like a hyung should.

Eventually, we got to high school and we all joined the dance team when Kai was old enough. We were in lots of competitions and won plenty of awards and met a lot of different people. Some people we met are people we looked up to for a long time. Also from the competitions, we all got scholarships from this college so we came here to continue dancing. Now we want to keep going to be a real performing group one day.” He finishes.

I sit there and take his story in, noting how long him and the boys have been together.

“I think you will, you guys are really good and you’ve been working towards that goal for a while now.” 

We look at each other and face the river again. The sun had kind of started going down, so the river has an orange tint to the water.

“It’s starting to get a bit chilly. Want a coffee, I’ll buy?”


This chapter went into detail of the boy's background. Since my TXT stories will be parts of a series, the back story will carry over.

It also explained Jihyun's background. She doesn't have too much trauma, but I wanted to take it easy for my first story.

Anyway, this week go enjoy a cold dessert, because it already is getting hot here in Texas. The day of writing this, I went to a birthday party and we all were dying from the heat and it was only march only March.

Love you guys! 💛💙💛💙💛

Tall Coffee Boi  《Soobin × OC》Where stories live. Discover now