Chapter 15

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It was finally the end of the day and I had just arrived at my dorm.

I put my backpack in my room and took out my computer so I could work on stuff later. When I walked back out into the living room, Soon was standing there with her arms crossed and a straight face.

I looked at her and we had a mini staring contest until she spoke up.

"Well, aren't you gonna tell me who they are?" She said.

I looked around confused, who was she talking about?

"Hey, don't pretend you don't know who I'm talking about. Hyejin texted me and said she saw you with two guys in the main hallway earlier."

"Oooohhhh, them. Ok so, it's kind of a long story-"

"I have time." She said blankly.

We sat down on the couch and Soon got comfortable to hear my explanation.

"Just don't over react, it's not that serious." I tell her, and she nods.

I explain how I met Soobin both times, how I ran into their dance group after the library, and how Yeonjun and Taehyun helped me earlier.

I left out how I'm supposed to meet them on Saturday, she would have tried to follow me if I told her.

When I'm done she sits there eyes wide, trying to take in everything.

"So you've been hanging out with boys for the last week and you didn't tell me?" She asked.

I panicked and stuttered out an answer quickly. "N-no! I've just ran into them around campus a few times. I don't even know if they consider me an official friend yet."

Soon crosses her arms over her chest. "So what's gonna happen on Saturday?"

My eyes widen. How does she know about that?

"Wha- I- How?"

"Hyejin heard the taller one say Saturday in a question."

"Oh." Fricken Hyejin and her FBI agent career path.

I let out a quick breath. "Ok, so basically when I met the guys after the library incident, they told me about their dance group and invited me to join them at the park to watch them dance. Which I am planning to go to, but I didn't want to tell you because I knew you would freak out about it!" I say quickly.

Soonyoung sits in front of me with her head tilted to the side. After a moment she speaks. "And you weren't going to tell me about any of this?"

She stares intensely at me, waiting for an answer.

I look down at my hands in my lap. "I mean ..... I was going to tell you, just not until ... after .. Saturday." I say looking around the room, trying to avoid her eyes.

She blinks a couple of times. "I- ok."

She reaches and cups my face in her hands. "I'm not gonna comment on you not telling me yet, but I am going to tell you one thing for sure. You are going on Saturday."

"I-i know, I'm planning on going." I say

She shakes her head. "You might think that now, but I know for a fact that you are going to change your mind at some point. I'm telling you now that you are going, and that is final."

I nod in her hands, and she pulls me in for a hug.

"Now let's talk about why you didn't tell me you've been talking to boys for the last few days."

And with that I wiggle out of her arms and run to my room.


If you're wondering, I added this chapter a day early because it's my birthday 🥳🥳🥳 and I wanted to post a chapter as a present or something.

This was kind of a filler chapter, but I wanted to add something about Soon's reaction to all this.

I don't have much to say this week, yeah.

Anyway, this week let's enjoy some cake because that's what I'm doing today. Have some normal cake, a mug cake, a cupcake, or just any kind of cake!

Luv you guys! 💛💙💛💙💛

Tall Coffee Boi  《Soobin × OC》Where stories live. Discover now