Chapter 1 Sweet Home

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Kilia couldn't keep up with the both of you. Her temperature was cold, colder than Ban's nor your's. She was the skinniest out of the two of you. Even though she's the one that eats most of the stolen food.

You and Ban searched for a place that's warm enough to stay for awhile. After all. It's winter. The season where most of the homeless kids die off in the streets.

You weren't letting the world have it it's way though.

You were the youngest and the bravest out of the group. The first time you met Ban and Kilia is when you tried to protect them. You've got so far to protecting them that you even challenged that man into a fight. You gained respect and trust from Ban and Kilia that day.

'What to do, what to do...' you thought.

You already tried ones to break in a house to keep yourself and the others safe. It ended up not very well either.
You received a lot of bruises just for surviving.

As the trails ended infront of you, Ban called you out. You ran as quickly as you can and saw him stand infront of a building that's completely empty.

"Y/n, go get Kilia." He said.

You nodded and ran to the place you layed her down. A tree that's completely dead. That was the only place in that town to keep yourselves safe from all the people.

"Kilia, come! Ban found a place for us to stay!" You cheered.

She smiled at you and held your hand tightly then went to the place where Ban was waiting.

"Took you long enough." He complained

"Come on Ban. You know I can't run." She reminded him.

The three of you went inside the empty house and immediately felt warmth filling up your body.

You sat on a chair and saw bread laying on the table.

"Guys! I found bread, look!" You screamed.

The two of them quickly got on the table and each took two pieces of bread. They were delicious. Better than the bread from the store they always stole from.

You hoped, that the three of you can live in this house together. That was your dream for now.

° ° °
1 year later

It has been an entire year and the three of you still lived at the exact same house. No one in the village seem to be bothered by it. You also helped people with cleaning, watering flowers or plants and sell groceries.

Even tho you're only 5 years old, you're the most intelligent kid in the village. You were proud of your ability.

Ban also met a man named Zhivago. He always had a red headband around his head with an paw on it.

You always thought of him as 'weird' sometimes but you got used to his actions.

Ban and Kilia called him 'father' but you called him by his name. You weren't very comfortable calling him father but it makes you happy that someone's there to take care of the three of you.

He also has choosen nicknames for you

Ban the 'fox' because of his sneaky behavior.

Kilia the 'white snake' because of her eyes and white pale skin.

And you y/n the 'dragon' for your bravery, stubbornness and confidence...

Sometimes sweet though.

• • •

It was in the middle of the night that you woke up out of no where. You just had a bad feeling around the house this entire day. You wondered what it is...

You went outside to get some fresh air. Even tho you had a bad feeling that something bad was gonna happen.

It didn't matter to you. Zhivago taught you how to defend yourself from strangers that want's to take you away.

Suddenly you heard laughing and screaming near your place. No one seem to react to it.

You headed to that place where the screaming began.


You expected a reply from that screaming stranger but it seemed to be quiet now.

'Was this a prank or something?' You thought to yourself.

Again you took a few step further until you saw the bodies on the ground.

You couldn't move nor scream. You only stared at the body with an disgusted expression.

'Who could've done such a thing?' You taught as you slowly backed away.

"Little girl, what are you doing in the middle of the night this late?" Said the old man standing behind you.

You quickly turned around to see the man. The man had golden armor, an eyepatch on his left eye and light green hair.

"Nothing! Please don't let me get in your way and continue sir!" You said in an sweetly tone that you hated so much.

"Hold on kid. Aren't you going to tell anyone about the dead bodies?" He asked.

You stood still in terror. How can that man just simply ask you that and how is he so calm about it? Could it be that he's responsible for that? No, no. If he was then he would've already finished you by now.

You looked at him with an emotionless expression in your eyes and simply said.

"No. It's not my doing so i'll shut it."

As soon as you turn back, you felt sick and fell on the ground.

The last thing you saw, was him walking towards you.

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