Chapter 7 Just...Lemon i guess...

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This, is going to be the most boringest Lemon you will ever read :)

° ° °

Helbram slowly stripped off your dress from you slim body and continued to kiss and bite your neck surroundings.

His kisses kept getting tougher and tougher the more you moaned for him.

(A/n: already regretting this...)

You can smell the alcohol from his breath. Your taste on alcohol were very strong. You couldn't even handle a single tiny sip from it.

Your head started to get dizzy and dirty just from smelling the liquor.

"H-helbram...stop teasing me with you knee..." you begged.

He smirked as he continued to play with your womanhood with his knee and licked down to your open belly till' up to your breast.

You moaned louder as he repeated the same move over and over agian.

You stood up from the bed and slid down your panty infront of him.

He squinted his eyes and licked his lips while looking at your body up and down.

He then also stood up and removed his clothes only for you to see that he didn't wear any boxers at all.

(A/n: Fairies in 7ds dont wear any under-clothing. Don't believe me? Go google c:)

You looked at the ground covering your breasts in embarrassment then looked back at him.

As you layed down on the bed, you slowly opened your legs. You wanted it bad. Really bad.

"P-please go all in H-helbram..." you pleaded.

He then went on top of you and pushed his index finger inside of you. He slightly laughed at his current sight. Watching your face filled with displeasure.

You quietly growled in annoyance. You pushed him aside and went on top of him. He looked at you with a bit widened eyes and then smirked.

He placed it on your virginia and waited for you to slide down.

" ready to get dominated y/n~." He cheerfully said.

As you were pushing down, you noticed that you barely couldn't even get it inside you. It was too big to be fitting inside.

Helbram made a 'tsk' sound and pushed you back.

"I'll do this my love, don't worry." He said while stroking your cheek with his hand.

He grabbed his cock with his other hand, placed it on your virginia and started pushing inside. You screamed in pain as you felt it going inside you.

Just seconds later, he immediately hit your spot where it started to feel good. Every moan you let out the faster he went back and fourth.

You hugged him tightly as he went in a monstrous speed where you barely got a chance to breathe.

Tears went down your cheeks while moaning in pleasure.

"Y-y/n...i'm almost..." he said in a hurry.

"Let it all out inside me please! I'll bear a child for you~~" you screamed out loud.

After minutes of waiting and crying he still didn't went all on you. You clenched yourself on Helbrams wings but made sure not to rip them off.

A knot slowly formed on your belly and you felt it. The two of you moaned louder than over. You felt the liquid flooding inside you. Your belly got bigger every second until it stopped.

He pulled it out of you and placed your head on the pillow. You were now laying there next to him, trying to breathe from the workout.

He moved you closer to him and started to cuddle in peace.

° ° °
Holy shit i just imagine this entire thing in my head wtf is wrong with me. This is not what i wangedbd.

Send help, please i am havimg a s3jsure.

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