Chapter 8 Shock

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I am back but won't be posting much here. Probably once every month but let us let that be.

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You woke up by the sunlight shining through your face. You rolled around your bed, feeling a bit unwell. You stared at the other side of the bed, noticing that your future husband already woke up to go to his work. You sat up and slide your feet inside the slippers. You held on to the bed railing and tried to stand up onto your feet. You stumbled around to get to the wardrobe since your legs are refusing to be walking around. You kneeled down to the ground, giving up trying to reach the wardrobe. A familiar voice then spoke up from outside the door.

"Miss, are you awake? Breakfast is ready to be served. Warm and soft as it should be."

You turn your head towards the voice that spoke and replied.

"Thank you, please come in and call for Manfred."

Three maids stepped in. One of them was holding the trey. It had a few pieces of pancakes that had honey surrounding it and a glass of fresh orange juice. The maid that held the tray, placed it on the night light table and went to get Manfred just as you ordered them to do. The other two maids stood in front of you with a nice long f/c dress with long sleeves. It looks like your husband-to-be already prepared everything for you.

After a short period of time your butler, Manfred, came as soon as he was told to. He rushed over to your right side and held your shoulder carefully. He slowly pulled you up onto your feet and whipped around your stained nightgown. He then went back outside the entrance to keep privacy. One of the maiden slid off your nightgown and placed a bra around your chest.

"Miss, one, two or three?"


You never enjoyed it to have your bra on tight. Every time you put them off in the evening you always get a red stripe under your breasts. Which annoyed you very much. When you lay a single touch on it, it'll always make you ark in pain. Back then when you where on that age, you had to wear one. You wore them tightly every single day and never thought of putting them off because of your laziness. One day it started to pain you and always asked one of the maids for help.

You giggled at the memory you had with your maids that had aged old. All of the butlers and maids were elders. Except for y/m/n.(your maids name. She's your personal maid but right now she's on a time out because of the incident.)


You sat down on your bed, not wanting to stand up because of the pain. Manfred was back and stood next to your side formally.

"M'lady, would you like me to feed you the fresh made pancakes?" He offered.

You slightly nodded at his offer but hesitated to eat it from the fork. No one really fed you like this before. Unless it was necessary.

"It feels weird sometimes..." You started.


"Ahaha...I mean that it feels weird sometimes to be fed by someone." You repeated.

Manfred said nothing after that. He's like a second father to you. Even though you don't speak much to each other, he still shows emotions of caring in some way. He's been by your side ever since you were a little girl.

"Manfred, have you ever thought of quitting your job and do something else? After all, you're already of that age where you're supposed to be superannuated."

"No, of course I haven't. I enjoy serving lady Y/n and sir Helbram. Never in my career have I thought about quitting."

His words were touching. Your eyes started to swell up tears and couldn't stop it from sliding down your face. At the same time, you started to feel dizzy and couldn't help but stand up in pain and run over to the bathroom while Manfred following you from behind. Manfred looked back, towards the maid that prepared the breakfast for you.

"What in gods heaven did you put inside that pancake?!"

The old woman held her hands up in panic. Not knowing what to say in the current situation.

"I-I haven't done anything to it! I swear!"

You grabbed Manfred's sleeve and looked at him with a warm smile.

"They haven't done anything. It was Helbram that did something." You giggled.

At first, he didn't understand anything but after thinking a second thought, made him realize what the two of you have done. His eyes widened in shock and so did the two maiden that watched from a far.

"Congratulations my lady!"

The three of them bowed on the floor.

"Oh my..please stand up. No need to congratulate me like this-"

"But of course we do Lady Y/n! Sir Helbram always wanted a child in his life for years! And now his wish has finally come true!" Manfred exclaimed.

Your cheeks burned bright red after hearing his sentence.

'He always wanted a child.' You repeated in your mind.

You let out a smile at the three figures and ordered them to stand up and clean the dishes away. They did as you said without hesitation and left the room.


"Yes Lady Y/n?"

"The tell the two maiden to not tell Helbram any of this. Keep it for yourself for now. I would like to surprise him later.."

"Certainly." He bowed.

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Next one will come later. I can't really say when but i hope you all will stay tuned.

Goodbye my little 🍪 readers✨

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