1K special [Autumn] First generation

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So, I thought of something since I recently started this Chapter.

This 1k special chapter could be one of Helbram's relationship with the past women he fell in love with.(Like Meliodas and Elizabeth)

But he doesn't realize, that the girl he was always together with, was actually Y/n this entire time. Just in a different body and forgotten memories.

Think of these special chapter's as the memory/dream of the current Y/n.

Also, first generation of Y/n is a bit chubby :)


° ° °

Fall came to it's start. The leaves began to fall from the strees as the wind blows them into nothingness.

You on the other hand, enjoyed fall. Even if it means for those summer flowers to dissolve. It didn't bother you at all.

You were living alone in a big house. In the middle of the forest. Just like in those princess books you always read when you were small.

• • •

It was a very chill morning when you came back from the dark lurking forest. But something was different when you entered your building within two steps.

The entrance door was decorated with special flowers with features you have never seen before. As you touch one of it's petals, it felt soft to the touch. Like as it was newly picked up by someone or something.

You closed the door slowly after ripping one of the flower's petals. You examined it's features and texture on a sketchbook with more other flowers drawn on it.

• • •

You leaned back on the chair in exhaustion. You have found nothing of what this flower could be used for.

You stood up from the chair you were sitting on and went to the sink to get some glass of water. Before you could take a sip from the glass, a sneeze could be heard from a nearby open window.

This has been going on for hours since you started to examine the petal. But you were too nervous to check out what was going on.


No reply.

"I know that you're stalking me. So please come out." You begged.

The person that made the sounding revealed himself to you. It was a young boy with apple green hair. He giggled once again in nervousness while scratching his neck.

"Haha, sorry! I didn't want to bother you." He started.

"If you wanted something from me, please just knock on the door or speak through the window. It'll get my attention anyway.."

"Well, I couldn't say this to you earlier buuut..I find you very beautiful."

Your cheeks started to glow a pinkish color as you widened your eyes.

"W-what are you talking about? Maybe you are mistaken me to someone else."

"But no one is around here except for you m'lady."

You thought about getting away from the conversation you two had and changed the subject to a different one.

"Hey, were you the one decorating my door with these flowers?"

"Yes..do you like them? I got the from the fairy kingdom."

You jumped right infront of his face through the open window and looked at his eyes.

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