Chapter 13 Snuggle Issues

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Two months have passed and Helbram's Birthday slowly came to it's start. Only a few hours more and it's his birthday. You haven't told him anything yet and neither did Helbram's personal butler.

Helbram also started to notice the bulge on your stomach which made him very suspicious of you. True, he knew you ate a lot of sweets but there is something he knew about you that you don't. No matter how much you ate, you won't get chubby.

"Anorexia Nervosa..."(It's a sickness that Y/n is suffering from😔) Helbram whispered between his lips while laying on the bed with you.

"What was that?" You asked.

He came back to his senses and looked down on you.

"Ah, my bad. It's nothing, really.." He said in a unsure tone.

You dug into his chest and closed your eyes peacefully. Thinking that nothing was bothering him after all. Your lips formed into a smile which made him want to pinch the chubby cheeks you had. He stroke your head instead, not wanting to tease you in a peaceful night like this one.

He never felt this comfortable in a long time. He closed his eyes to try and remember why he wanted revenge on humans in the first place. Nothing came in his mind. It made him feel frustrated just about thinking of the word 'revenge'. Though, he was glad he stopped. Without the help of the woman laying next to him, he would've probably have destroyed a bunch more towns than over the past few hundred year's.

He wrapped his arm and leg around your body. Not wanting to let you go while sleeping. But the position that you were in was very uncomfortable and unhealthy for the baby inside you. While sleeping, you pushed his torso away from your stomach and layed on your back.

He looked at you with an annoyed expression. You've already done this to him for the entire month now. He didn't enjoy it at all. He had the feeling that you were hooking up with someone else. Which could explain the problem with your belly.

He slowly got tired after a half an hour of thinking and also closed his eyes. After long of waiting, he also fell asleep.

° ° °

You woke up by someone poking your shoulder slightly. When you opened your eyes, you saw your personal maid standing infront of you.

(You know what, ima add myself into this story. I'm going to be your personal maid :3)

"Miss, it's time to wake up. We have to prepare everything before sir Helbram comes back from his moning shift." Magnolia said while still poking you on your shoulder.

You turned your head towards her and she accidentally poked your cheek. She gasps and stepped back a little bit.

"Miss, i'm terribly so-"

"Shhh.." You interrupted.

The young girl coved her mouth with her two hands. The man that was laying next to you rotated to the other side and started mumbling something. You couldn't really make up what he was saying but it sounded like a different language.

You slowly leaned on to his face and gave him a soft kiss on the cheeks. The maid who was watching the scene, awee to it. She then shook her head to get her back to reality before her mind loses it's innocence.

You held one of your hands up to the maid. Meaning you needed help to get up from the bed. She gladly took it and helped you up.

Both of you then sneaked to the entrance only to hear a man calling your name from behind. You told your maid to go on and wait for you in the kitchen. Magnolia nodded and headed outside. Before she could shut the door, you approached her once again.

"Magnolia, if I won't come in more than 10 minutes, then start the cake without me."

"Understood Miss!"

Like that, she closed the door without making a noise.

You headed towards the bed on his side and studied his face carefully. He was sweating. You thought he was having a nightmare that involved you with it since he called out your name earlier.

You stroke his hair slightly. Careful not to wake him up. You hummed a melody that he once sang you to sleep when you were just a little baby girl. It's crazy on how you still remember it.

After the melody you sang was over, you looked at him. You jumped back out of suprise. To see him awake with a soft smile.


"Mmh.." He replied with his tired eyes looking directly at you.

"Sleep a bit longer. I'll wake you up later again."

"No." He said with a growl written on his one single word.

You rolled your eyes and layed down next to him. You made sure not to turn on the side of your belly. He then wrapped his arm around you and snuggled between your breasts.

"You pervert."


You look down and stared at him with your dull eyes. You wanted for him to give you a kiss before he goes back to sleep. But it looks like he's still completely exhausted from yesterday's work.

You stayed for a little while and snuggled with him together. As soon as you opened your closed eyes, you noticed someone squeezing one of your breasts softly. You look down to see a dead sleepy Helbram squeezing your breast while leaning on the other one. You placed his head back on the pillows and stood up from the bed.

As you headed towards the door, you were able to hear him growling from irritation. You giggled at his childish behavior before you closed the door.

° ° °

You walked down the stairs to reach the kitchen room. There, you saw all the maids and butlers getting prepared for the party this afternoon. You stomped once on the ground with one of your legs to get everyone's attention.

"Alright everyone! I hope you already started the cake without me. I think you all know what today's special celebration is. For those who doesn't, please ask your coworker's. I won't stop you all from doing your work now, let's continue!"

"Yes Ma'am!"

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