Chapter 12 Father

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You flinched a bit but didn't answer him. You continued to snuggle on Helbram's shoulder and ignored your so-called 'father'. Helbram bit his bottom lip and held your back with his other hand. He glanced at the man who was looking at you with care and worry expressed on his face. Kilia and Ban stepped aside while wiping their tears away from their chubby cheeks. Zhivago didn't waste any more time and immediately went in your direction. You turn your head back to the site where you saw him approach you.

Your eyes turn left and right. Not knowing what to do next. You stood there, holding Helbram's shoulder tightly.

"Y-y/n, let go. You're hurting my wounded shoulder." He said while slowly reaching your hand with his other one.

For a quick second, your attention turned to Helbram and completely forgot about the man that was heading towards your way. He didn't loosen his sight at you and kept looking with tears swallowing his eyes.

"Are you okay sir Helbram?"

(Autor-chan also noticed something. I keep writing 'Sir Helbram' which reminds me every time of something. Elizabeth calling her husbando 'Sir Meliodas'.)

"I'm fine, it just stung a little but it's nothing much."

A tall figure suddenly covered you from the sun. That's when you realized, that you forgot about the real problem you were in.

"Z-zhivago.." You whispered between your breath.

"Y/n, where have you been..?" He asked while embracing you slowly.

Before you could answer his question, he immediately pulled you away from the hug. Noticing something odd about you. It's like, he felt something else inside of you. Something...alive.

He shook his head aggressively and couldn't believe what he was thinking. He glared at the man that was standing next to you. The green haired male stood there with a jealous expression written on his face. Zhivago lets go of your shoulder and turned towards your partner with an serious expression.

You let out a sweat drop. A bit relieved that he hadn't notice anything different about you. You looked back at Zhivago standing infront of your partner. His mood seemed to change a lot when he stared at him.

The green haired male smirked at the man, taking his glare as a challenge.

"It was you, wasn't it?"

"What are blabbering about?"

The man wasn't very happy with his response and got closer to grab his collar.


"Don't play dump with me son! Because of you, my daughter got pre-"


Zhivago stopped at the moment you called for him. He looked back slowly, only to see you being annoyed from his words. He puts down the green haired male that struggled to get his grip off him.

"Father, I need to talk to you in private. I promise it's going to be quick."

° ° °

The two of you wen't behind a building. A bit far away from where the other's were. You took a deep breath and turned around to face him.

"Father, i'm guessing you noticed already."

"So my thoughts weren't mistaken.."

You sigh and looked at the ground disappointed.

"There are more behind that. Since you're my father, I want you to except every word that i'm about to tell you. Understood?"

He hesitated but nodded.

"When I was small, I was raised by the exact same man who took me away from you, Ban and Kilia. He raised me like the way you would've raised me too. Just in more of a luxurious life. Over the years I started to develop feelings for that man but not long after, he went to Liones and never came back to visit me. One day, my last birthday came and I received a letter. It was an invitation from him. He wanted me to come and live with him in Liones. Which I accepted. After the meeting I had with the King in Liones, he revealed his true identity to me. He's a fairy seeking for revenge against humanity but something held him back from doing it. The reason was me. I was terrified after finding out but I still loved him. Only in a short amount of time, I got pregnant by him and haven't told him anything yet.."

Zhivago who was standing infront of you, shocked to hear your story. He couldn't believe what you've gone through and that your own kidnapper fell in love with you.

"Are you okay father? Was that too much to take..?"

"N-no i'm fine. Just, how old is he?"

"Over 1000 years old."

"Did he tell you that?"

"Nope, just simply read his private diary!" You giggled as you headed back to the others.

You slowly slid your hands on Helbram's back which made him shiver from your smooth touch. He quickly turned his back and went on his defensive stand. You held up your hand and gave him a smile. You then shoved both of your arms between his and moved them up along with his arms. You then shoved yourself on Helbram's torso and gave him a tight hug.

"You atleast tried~" You teased.

"From who'm did you learn that from?"

"Some bandits teached me back then when I was still a little girl. Living in the streets."

"Shouldn't have asked."

He wrapped his arms around you while looking at the man that had a short private conversation with you. He then gave you a small kiss on the forehead and released his arms around you.

"So gramps, ready to take me as a soon-to-be-son-in-law?" He asked while crossing his arms.

"I'm okay with it. As long as you keep her save from danger. I will accept it."

Zhivago then came closer to him and whispered something that no one could understand. It didn't matter to you anyway. As long as they have a good relationship with each other in the future. I'm happy with it.

"Helbram, you ready to go?"

He slowly turned around to you but had an unsure expression written on his face. Like something gone entirely wrong. He managed to hide it after walking towards you.

"Yeah, i'm ready. Let's go back home."

• • •

My dear fellow 🍪 readers. I want to tell you now, that this is going to be a long one. And if I say long, then it's really long. This book might even reach over 30 chapters. Usually, I make them less than 20 chapters but this one has gotten me hyped up for some reason.

Time for me to get less sleep! Even while working.

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