Chapter 2 We meet agian

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This chapter is super cringe...
I have no idea with what I just came up with.

But don't worry, Helbram will soon show his true self to you.

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It has been 13 years since Helbram found you in the middle of the streets long time ago. Atleast that's what he told you.

You don't remember anything before he found you. You just thought a lot on how horrible it is to forget something important to you before that. You felt bad.

You also haven't seen Helbram in years. You hated the fact that he's a holy knight now. He never came to see or visit you since he became one of them.

Your cheeks swallowed just thinking of him. You missed him so much that you couldn't look away of the picture of him and you on the wall.

'I can't even look away for an entire hour.'

You threw yourself on the princess-like-bed and continued to look at the picture.

*knock knock*

"Come in." You said.

Your butler stepped inside of your room and handed you a letter.

"Ma'am you have received a letter from Sir Helbram."

You stood up from your bed and quickly opened the letter. There's just one problem.

You couldn't read his handwriting.

You took a deep sigh and handed the letter to the butler.

"Read it to me." You pleased.

"Dear y/n a/n

I am truly sorry for not visiting you these past few years. The headman of the holy knights wouldn't give me a chance to take a break.

I am now sending you this letter to ask you to come and live in Liones with me. I'm sure there are a lot of things we need to catch up and tell each other.

I look forward for your reply my y/n

Sincerely, your Helbram."

You looked at the ground with a flustered face after the butler read the letter for you.

° ° °

You told your butler and maids to get yours and their stuff ready. You already sended the letter that you wrote for him right after you calmed yourself down.

It'll take days to get there with the carriage but you have plenty of patience.

Just before you had a chance to think about him. Your butler knocked agian.

"Ma'am, there is another letter from sir Helbram. Would you like to hear?"
The butler asks.

"Read it to me."

"My dear y/n a/n

This will be the last letter I will be sending you. Before you make your way to the Kingdom, please open the package that came along with the letter. This is a late happy birthday present from me.

Please wear them.

Yours truly Helbram."

'A package?' You thought to yourself.

You let the butler in and took the package from his hand gently. You opened it.

What you saw in that package was the most beautiful present that you could've ever ask for.

It was a beautiful long f/c dress that suited along with your h/c hair. There was also jewelry that came along with the dress. A barrette that was surrounded by beautiful flowers, earrings with diamond stones and a necklace with a sapphire stone on the middle.

You sended the butler out and called the maids to your room. You stood up on a small chair and let the maids do their job.

It was 9 in the morning when they finished. It took them 2 entire hours which is normal for you.

The bags that were prepared yesterday were now inside the carriage with the butler waiting for you.

• • •

Hours and hours have passed until you woke up by the mornings shine of Liones. You can hear people whispering to each other.

"Don't worry my lady, they're just curious about the sudden coming. There aren't many wealthy people in this world." The butler said trying to cheer you up.

"That's why they make such a big fuss about it, my lady." One of the maids said.

You closed your eyes and fixed your hair with the help of a mirror.

The people's voices only gotten louder and louder until you heart a trumpet signaling your arrival.

"Miss Y/n A/n has arrived to the Kingdom of Liones!"

Instead of hearing voices, you heard clapping and cheers from out of the window. You took a small peek outside and saw holy knights everywhere.

As the carriage stopped, you quickly closed the curtains and the butler went through to open the carriage door for you.

One of the maids held a hand up to you and you excepted it. You slowly came out of the dark carriage and headed straight for the hallway.

You can hear people say 'woah' 'wow' or even whistles. You didn't let yourself getting bothered by those knights. You tried to ignore them until you saw two familiar faces.

You then looked away from them and carried on till' you saw a man with green hair.

No doubt.

It was him.

'My Helbram...'

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