Chapter 6 Found you

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"'s been awhile huh...?"

The two siblings looked at you with widened eyes. The female covered her mouth to prevent from crying and the man just stood there in shook.

"I can't belive it. It can't be..." he said with a trembling tone.

The female rushed over to you and hugged you tightly. She then started crying on your chest.

"Y/n, where have been all these years!?" She asked while sulking.

You then ran through her hair with your hand and hugged her tightly back. You looked at Ban that was completely out of place. You opened one of your arms and smiled at him with tears of happiness.

He walked up to you two and also joined the hugging scene. His eyes started to swallow with tears but didn't let it flow down his face.

"C'mon Ban, just let it out. You can cry as much as you want to." You said while stroking his hair backward softly.

He listened to you and trembled. The three of you kneed down and continued to cry while you were patting their heads. You told them 'It's okay' over and over agian but the more you say it the more they cry out loud.

You looked up at the empty sky of the night and closed your eyes. Thinking that you have finally found them. You couldn't be more thankful enough than you already are now.

You continued patting them on their heads until the both of them stopped. Kilia layed down her head on your legs on the bench while Ban was sitting the opposite side of where Kilia was laying.

The both of you enjoyed the silence of the night. It's so peaceful. Looking straight on the fountain, made you think on earlier agian.

"Hey...Ban.." You said as your eyes turn to the ground.


"Do you think...the two of you could help me with something?" You asked while turning to his direction.

He looked at you with an expressionless face and shrugged.

"Possible." He replied.

"W-what's what supposed to mean?! That isn't an answer! is...but not directly..." You exclaimed loud.

You closed your mouth and noticed that Kilia was sleeping on you lap. You let out on 'Oops' sound that made Ban laugh slightly. You smiled as he find this situation quite funny but it trailed of with a heavy sigh. The light above the three of you flickered.

"So, what do you think? Could the two of you help me?" You again asked.

"Sure, i gotta ask Kilia first though. I'm positive she would say yes but who knows..."

"What about Zhivago...?" You asked while looking at him upset.

"He's doing fine...well i atleast hope so. He left Liones not long ago and hasn't returned yet. I wonder if he's doing okay out there. Kilia has been worried for a while now too. She also hasn't been sleeping well since then." He said while stroking Kilia's hair.

You looked at him in an worried expression and then back at Kilia. You reached Kilia's cheeks and warmed them up.

"The atmosphere out here is great, huh? The wind is breezy, the leaves are rushing and the moon is bright as always. I sometimes wonder, how the world generates like this..."

"Heh, sometimes I and Kilia wonder that ourselves but never really came up with something." He replied.

You removed Kilia's head from your lap and layed her on the bench. You moved your hands on your back and looked at Ban.

"I need to go, or Cardinal Helbram will get mad at me for leaving at late hour. Don't forget to ask her when she wakes up and if the two of you want to help me, then meet me here after lunch okay? See you two soon, maybe."


As he tried to stop you from going, you already running of to the dark.

"What do you have to do with Cardinal Helbram...or...what kind of relationship do you have with with him...?" He said to himself as he watched you ran away.

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(A/N: Send help, i need new fingers from typing o(〒﹏〒)o)

You looked at the mansion and saw no light on windows, meaning the guests already left.

You closed the door silently and made sure no one was in the hallway. You tiptoed to the stairs until you heard an 'ehem' sound behind you. You turned around and saw nobody until a lamp went on next to the one-seat-couch. The person who sat on it scared you.

It was Helbram sitting on the couch with crossed legs and crossed arms waiting patiently with an extremely angered face. He then lifted his hand up and moved his index finger back and forth. Meaning, he wants you to come closer to him.

You stepped closer and looked at the ground disappointed. As you heard footsteps coming towards you, you squint your eyes and felt hands holding your cheek and hips. You looked up to him. As you opened your mouth to say something, you were cut if by a warm and soft short kiss from Helbram.

He smells like alcohol...

"H-helbram...i think i will be sleeping next to your room..." you stuttered.

"Now why that attitude sweety..." he replied in a tiredly tone.

"Because you drank alcohol! I'm scared that your going to do something to me..."

He smirked at you and carried you to his room immediately after you said that.

"Y' first i didn't think about it...but now since you brought it up, made me realize that we had to continue something from earlier..." he said trying not to show his drunk side.

Your face went bright red while he placed you on his bed. He continued to kiss your neck softly and gave you bite marks everywhere around your neck to shoulder. You let out soft moans that turned him on more every moan you let out.

° ° °

I am virtually blushing right now O///O

But hey, i hope you all know what the next Chapter will be🙃

For those who are still under the age of 'That' kind of stuff.

You. Have. Been. Warned.

Do not read it if it's says "Lemon".

Like those kid readers will listen to someone like me.😔👌

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