Chapter 3 True form

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"Helbram!" You yelled that the knights really could tell that he was dear to you.

"Y/n, slow down there. I don't want you get hurt now do I?" He said while slowly stroking your head.

"Sorry...I just overreacted a little bit..." you shyly replied.

You could tell that he was scanning your body. That made you jump a little bit by his unexpected action. The part where he stared for a long time were your breasts. True, they're huge but it made you uncomfortable.

"You've gotten pretty big the last time I saw you y/n." He said trying to flirt with you.

"Don't lie to me, Helbram. My height is still the same from 5 years ago." You replied while crossing your arms.

He let out a sigh and offered you his hand which you exepted with a bow. As you both headed inside the Castle you took a glance from the two familiar faces that were right behind you. Ofcourse they both noticed your staring and looked away.

As you noticed Helbram stop walking, so you too did the same. You both got into your knees and looked directly at the King of Liones.

"Your highness, it's a pleasure finally meeting you. How can I, y/n
a/n serve you?" You said, closing your eyes while turning  your head on the ground.

The whispers slowly turned down until it was silent for the king to be able to finally speak up.

"I thank you for coming, y/n. I heard a lot of good things about you from Helbram. He simply won't stop talking about you. No matter what conversations we had, he would always bring you up. You must be very dear to him."

Your face went pinkish and laughed nervously. As he told you to rise, you agian bowed.

"'s a bit rude for me to ask but...what kind of conversation have your highness and my Helbra- i mean sir Helbram been talking about?" Your face has gotten more pinkish than before.

You quickly turned to Helbram to see his reaction to what you said. His face was even more pinkish than yours! In fact he's completely red!

You let out a small giggle that caught a lot of attention from the holy knights.

"Cardinal Helbram and I talked about your talent about magic. I heard you can bring back the deads to life." He said with an interested look.

You hesitated for a bit while trying to reply to his words. You just asked yourself why Helbram told him that.

"Yes, indeed. I am capable of doing that but I may need recipes that are impossible to find." You replied with a serious tone to let Helbram know that you weren't very happy with him.

Ofcourse he noticed your anger burning inside you but he couldn't just jump in and say something completely random to make you feel better. Like he always did when you were small.

° ° °

The meeting wen't well. You were now heading to the Mansion that your butler is now currently showing you the way. Helbram in the other hand, tried to get your attention but you kept going.

He couldn't handle the silence treatment you are currently giving him so he had to use force on you.

He grabbed your wrist harshly and told the butler and maids to keep going.

"Y/n, stop ignoring me." He said harshly while looking in to your e/c shinny eyes.

You didn't like it when he gets mad. So, you started to shake in fear and slowly teared up. Not much later, you started crying loudly.

He slowly backed up and noticed what he has done. He cannot stand seeing you in tears so he walked a few steps behind and opened his arms, waiting for you to run up to him and hug you tightly. Like you always did.

You looked at him with your teary eyes in concern and cried even more but this time, heading towards his chest.

You hit him lightly, letting him know that he scared you.

Both of you slowly kneed down on the ground, hugging each other tightly. Luckily, no one really came to that street since it's only for the people that 'reserved' the place. So, no one saw what you two were doing.

"I am sorry for getting mad at you y/n. I didn't mean to." He said in a shaky voice after whipping your tears away from your beautiful face that was covered from your swallowed eyes.

"I-it's okay Helbram. I f-forgive you." You said quietly while stuttering and still digging yourself on his chest.

° ° °

The both of you finally reached the mansion after a bunch of apologizing and arguing.

As you walked in, the first thing you noticed was the scent of this place. It was familiar to you, which you find very odd. You have been in this place before but for some reason you knew where to go. You knew where the bedrooms were, the bathroom, livingroom, kitchen...everything.

Helbram starred at you in confusion.

"Y/n, are you alright?" The worried man asked.

"H-huh? Oh...i'm just feeling a bit uneasy...For some reason i know this place very well." You replied with an uncomfortable tone.

Helbram then agian starred at you. But this time, he looked more serious.

"Do you remember anything from back then by any chance?" He asked emotionlessly.

You let out a quiet 'huh' as he came closer to you. You noticed something changing about his appearance. His body height got smaller and his old face slowly turned into a young one. His eyes were golden but dull.

His clothing also changed. His white shirt slowly turned into a dark green color with a half sunflower bowtie. He was wearing black pants and black shoes, just like your butler.

He slowly grew blue transparent wings behind his back that shone through the sun light. He then raised one of this fingers causing a weapon to appear besides him.

Your legs started to shake, making you fall into your knees again. You stuttered and had trouble searching for the right words to say.

Until a strike went into your head.

Few seconds later. You remembered. You finally remembered what happened to you.

" lied to me..."

Unwanted Love (Helbram x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now